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词汇 caltech
释义 caltech
n. 美国 加利福尼亚理工学院
As a result of this, he was made the first director of the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Centre at Caltech in 1949.
基于以上成就,他于1949年担任加工理工学院丹尼尔和佛罗伦斯·古根海姆喷气推进中心首任主任。 hxen

Roger Blandford, the Caltech theoretician, has suggested a novel way to prove that early mergers were not serious contributors to black hole growth.
罗杰·布兰德福德是加州理工学院的学者,他提出了一个新奇的方法,这一方法证实了早期的合并对黑洞的成长并没有什么贡献。 yeeyan

“ It may be a question of being in the right place at the right time, ” says Roger Blandford, a theoretical astrophysicist at Caltech.
“在正确的时间,正确的地点,这可能是个问题。” 罗杰·布兰德福德说,他是加州理工学院的天体物理理论学家。 yeeyan

But from just a few stray bits of light, captured in this case by the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory in Hawaii, we can figure out the big picture.
但就凭此次由设在夏威夷的加州理工学院亚毫米波天文台捕获的少量弥散的光线,我们就可以勾勒出这幅壮阔的图画。 yeeyan

Davy Kirkpatrick at NASA’s Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at Caltech found nothing when he searched for Nemesis using data from the Two Micron All Sky Survey 2MASS.
当位于麻省理工大学的美国太空总署红外线处理分析中心的大卫.克里克帕特里克 Davy Kirkpatrick用2微米巡天数据搜寻“复仇者”时,他一无所获。 yeeyan

Forty years ago, Caltech professor Carver Mead identified the corollary to Moore's law of ever- increasing computing power.
四十年前,加州工学院教授 Carver Mead就认为,摩尔定律的必然结果是计算能力永无止息的渐增。 yeeyan

He helped the US military develop jet- assisted takeoff technology during World War II, and became the founding director of Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
他帮助美国军方开发喷气辅助起飞技术,并成为美国加州理工学院喷气推进实验室的创始董事。 yeeyan

He recently received a letter from a parent of a toddler wanting to know where the child needs to go in order to get accepted at Caltech.
我最近收到了一封来自一位幼儿父母的信,想知道为了将来进入加州理工学院,他的孩子应该去哪里读书。 yeeyan

He told me about researchers at Caltech who scanned the brains of people on diets while offering them junk food.
他告诉我加州理工学院的研究:给正在减肥的人们提供垃圾食物,并扫描他们的大脑。 yeeyan

In fact, I have a postdoc at Caltech who’s very interested in the possibility of universes bumping into each other.
事实上,我在加州理工大学 Caltech有一个博士后,他对宇宙间的互相碰撞很感兴趣。 yeeyan

Mr. Qian denied the charges, his Caltech colleagues came to his defense, and the university hired a lawyer to assist him.
钱先生否认了这些指控,加州理工学院的同事为他辩护,校方也聘请了一名律师帮助他。 ecocn

One caveat, says Richard Ellis of Caltech, is that the researchers assumed that red dwarfs in the elliptical galaxies have the same chemical composition as red dwarfs in the Milky Way.
但是且慢,加州理工学院的理查德·埃利斯说,问题是研究者们假设椭圆星系中的红矮星与银河系中的红矮星有相同的化学成分。 yeeyan

Other American institutions that had strong showings in that category include Stanford University, University of California—Berkeley, and California Institute of Technology Caltech.
其它美国大学包括斯坦福大学,加利福尼亚大学加州理工学院也在此项有突出表现。 yeeyan

Peter Lissaman, an aeronautics expert who was formerly at Caltech and the University of Southern California, has suggested that a formation of25 birds might enjoy a range increase of 71%.
彼得▪利萨曼以前是加州理工学院和南加州大学的航空专家,他认为由25只鸟组成的队伍会将飞行距离提升71%。 ecocn

Qian Xuesen came to the United States to study aeronautical engineering at MIT and Caltech.
钱学森来到美国就读于麻省理工学院和加州理工学院研究航空工程学。 yeeyan

Scientists at Caltech have been folding microscopic strands of DNA into interesting shapes for the past few years.

Seeking to use genomics data as a platform for systems biology, he left Caltech in 1992 to found the cross- disciplinary Department of Molecular Biotechnology at the University of Washington.
他于1992年离开了加州理工大学, 来到了华盛顿大学跨学科的分子生物科技部,希望利用基因组学数据作为平台研究系统生物学。 yeeyan

Since leaving Caltech in 2005 to pursue writing and his own research, he has continued his work in spatial imagery with psychology researchers at Harvard.
他在2005年离开了 Caltech后,开始进行写作和展开自己的研究,后来又在哈佛大学中继续他的心理空间意象研究。 yeeyan

That's no small praise given its competition: MIT, Caltech and Stanford in the United States, Tsinghua in China and Cambridge in Britain.
其竞争对手:美国的麻省理工学院,加利福尼亚理工学院和斯坦福大学,中国的清华大学和英国的剑桥大学都不吝赞美。 yeeyan

The most important reason why I decided on Caltech was, once the offer was made, I was well received by the staff, administration, and faculty.
我决定去加利福尼亚理工学院的最重要的原因是,我的申请一提出,就受到了全院教职员工、领导和系里的热烈欢迎。 jukuu

The Caltech RNA device operates much like a normal computer, in theory.
从理论上讲,加州理工学院的 RNA设备像普通计算机一样运转。 yeeyan

Together with his team at Caltech, Prof Fink has been developing software that would let a robotic explorer act independently and as part of a team.
他在加州理工学院和自己团队一起,已经开发出了探测机器人的软件,能让它们独立行动,并能组队合作。 yeeyan

Zewail is the 27th Caltech faculty member or alumnus to receive the Nobel Prize, and the third faculty member to be so honored in this decade.
扎威尔是加利福尼亚理工学院教师及校友中第27位获得诺贝尔奖的人,同时也是最近十年里第三位获此殊荣的学院教师。 jukuu

Caltech gave Mr. Qian its distinguished alumni award in 2001.
2001年,加州理工学院向钱先生颁发了杰出校友奖。 ecocn

Caltech physicist David Goodstein has argued for a practical approach that focuses on preparing for the end of oil, regardless of when it happens.
加利福尼亚理工学院的物理学家大卫古德斯坦已经提出一个可行方案,该方案着眼于应对石油枯竭的准备,无论这在何时发生。 yeeyan

Caltech-101, a database routinely used for vision research, consists of some 10,000 standardised images of101 types of just such complex shapes, including faces, cars and watches.
Caltech-101见注释4是视觉研究常用的一个数据库,包括101种大约1万张标准图像,这里面有像是面部、汽车和手表之类的复杂图像。 ecocn




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