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隔靴搔痒 |
释义 |
隔靴搔痒 gé xuē sāo yǎng 常用成语 基本辨析辨析例句语法情感出处详细解释近义反义例句 attempt an ineffective solution繁体隔鞾搔癢近义不得要领;劳而无功反义鞭辟入里;一语破的变体隔靴搔癢正音“搔”,不能读作“zǎo”。正音“搔”,不能读作“zǎo”。批语家也必须深入生活,否则,隔靴搔痒的事情,总是难免的吧!秦牧《鲜荔枝和干荔枝》偏正式:作谓语;宾语;定语;指人没有抓住关键;含贬义。宋 释普济《五灯会元 康山契稳禅师》:“曰:‘恁么则识性无根去也?’师曰:‘隔靴搔痒。’”解释: 搔:挠。隔着靴子挠痒痒。比喻说话;做事;写文章不中肯,没有抓住关键。宋·严羽《沧浪诗话·诗法》:“意贵透彻,不可隔靴搔痒。” 明·耿定向《近溪子集序》:“近代二三魁儒,岿然负山斗望者,其谭说名理,若蒙雾观花,隔靴搔痒。” 清·李渔《十二楼·萃雅楼》一回:“此老不比别个,最是敢作敢为,他若看得中意,不是‘隔靴搔痒’‘夹被摩疼’就可以了得事的,毕竟要认真舞弄。” 周而复《上海的早晨》四部三〇:“柳惠光觉得江菊霞和唐仲笙唱的都是高调,对私营中小商业的情况并不了然,讲的净是些隔靴搔痒的话,不着边际,不能解决中小商业的苦恼和忧虑。” 明·清溪道人《禅真逸史》七回:“老身只要你事成,不是那苍蝇见血的馋眼,谢与不谢出乎住持一点本心,为何将这隔靴挠痒的话来班门弄斧?”【注意】含贬义。——来自《商务馆小学生成语词典》 近义词 不得要领劳而无功 反义词 对症下药切中要害一针见血身临其境鞭辟入里无的放矢一语破的 捕获感兴趣的文本仅仅是隔靴搔痒。 Capturing text of interest just scratches the surface. ibm 不过改革只是对电力市场的补贴和结构进行隔靴搔痒,并没有涉及整个系统的核心。 Yet the provisions tinker only with the subsidies and structures that surround the electricity market, leaving the core of the system untouched. ecocn 但这只是隔靴搔痒而已,因为阴谋论都是自动生成的。 But this is the rub of course, because conspiracy theories are self-sealing. yeeyan 尽管这次大会各国间的协商取得了进展,但对温室气体排放限额设置的处理却如隔靴搔痒。 The conference agreements, although a step forward, set only modest limits on greenhouse- gas emissions. yeeyan 尽管和几年前一样,这个措施只是隔靴搔痒,但这是免费的,而且很容易防止一些无意识的侵权行为。 Though this myth is nowhere near as common as it was just a few years ago, it is something that is free and easy to do that prevents a lot of innocent infringement. yeeyan 可惜,上周欧盟峰会达成的协议仅是隔靴搔痒,建立一个豆腐渣样的防火墙,以及要求银行于明年6月前提高资本率,对于挽救危机根本无济于事。 But last week’s summit deal—concocting a jerry-built firew a ll and asking the banks to boost their capital ratios by June next year— was not up to scratch. yeeyan 在 IT出版物和大会中,“治理”这个词被不断地提及已经有一段时间了,但从技术范围来讲,这些讨论通常最多算是隔靴搔痒。 The term“ governance” has been regularly appearing in IT publications and conferences for some time, but among technical circles, such discussions are often yawn-provoking at best. infoq 最后限期到来之前仍有希望重组希腊债务,但市场似乎已经厌倦了隔靴搔痒。 The restructuring of Greek debt may still occur by the deadline, but the market seems to be fed up with all the dancing around. fortunechina 骨子里根深蒂固的东西没有变,不管哪个老师如何在操作层面上的创新、实验都不过是隔靴搔痒罢了。 He has deep-rooted things have not changed, no matter what how teachers at the operational level of innovation, But experiments are simply ineffective. www.lm.gov.cn 所谓的会议根本没有深度,领导者们都在隔靴搔痒,拿不出真实而有约束力的决定。 Meetings can be superficial and leaders tend to shy away from taking real, binding decisions. yeeyan 在 WTO以及自由贸易体系之下的讨论尽管是最切合实际的,但总有隔靴搔痒的感觉。 It is most practical discussing“ Lacey Act” under WTO and free trade system, but this cannot reach the most extent. lwsjz 这时,他人的经验体会才能对你起作用,否则,只能是“隔靴搔痒”“雾中看花”。 Otherwise, it is just a useless attempt as looking at flower in fog or scratching an itch from outside your boots. nciku |
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