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词汇 随时
释义 随时 suí shí ★★★☆☆d.副词⁰·⁰⁰⁴⁸ᴾᵃ²⁸²³
at any timeat any momentwheneverAnytimeat all hoursany minuteat all timefrom time to timealwayat the drop of the hatat the drop of a hathourly繁体隨時那女孩随时都准备着去参加聚会。The girl is ready at all times to go to parties.
士兵们随时准备粉碎敌人的进攻。The soldiers are ready at all times to smash the enemy's attacks.
银行随时兑换见票即付的汇票。The bank receives drafts payable at sight at any time.
随时来走走。Come by anytime.
他可能随时会到。He is likely to arrive at any time.
我们的音乐俱乐部随时欢迎新会员参加。New recruits to our music club are always welcome.
欢迎你随时到我们家。You are always welcome to our house.
活火山随时可能喷发。An active volcano may erupt at any time.




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