词汇 |
阿鶩 |
释义 |
阿鶩 ā wù三国魏荀攸之妾的小名。《三国志.魏志.朱建平传》﹕初﹐颍川荀攸、钟繇相与亲善。攸先亡﹐子幼。繇经纪其门户﹐欲嫁其妾。与人书曰﹕'吾与公达曾共使朱建平相﹐建平曰﹕荀君虽少﹐然当以后事付钟君。吾时啁之曰﹕惟当嫁卿阿鹜耳。何意此子竟早陨没﹐戏言遂验乎!今欲嫁阿鹜、使得善处。'后用以代称他人的妻妾。阿鹜 |
随便看 |
- agent's fee
- Agents,Female Contraceptive
- Agents,Female Fertility
- Agents,Female Infertility
- Agents,Fertility
- Agents,Fibrinolytic
- Agents,Fireproofing
- Agents,Flavoring
- Agents,Food Coloring
- agents for plastic product manufacturing
- agents for protecting the SKIN
- agents for protecting the SKINS
- Agents,GABA
- Agents,GABAergic
- Agents,gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
- Agents,Ganglionic Blocking
- Agents,Ganglioplegic
- Agents,Gastric
- Agents,Gastrointestinal
- agents general
- agents-general
- Agents,Glutamate
- Agents,Glutamatergic
- Agents,Glycine
- Agents,Glycinergic