

单词 callow
释义 cal·low 英ˈkæləʊ美ˈkæloAHDkălʹō ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA⁵¹⁷¹⁰BNC³²⁹⁰⁹iWeb³⁸⁰⁸²Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

young and inexperienced;

a fledgling enterprise

a fledgling skier

an unfledged lawyer

来自英国人的本族语日耳曼语,本意是“光秃的,裸露的”,进一步形容雏鸟“未生羽毛的”。现在常用来比喻“未成熟的,年轻而无经验的”,相当于汉语中的“乳臭未干的”。callow cell考洛浮选池
GRE红宝书call说, low低-说话声音低-没力气-不成熟
call + low 叫声低的;未成熟的小鸟,小孩叫声都低;
callow来自中古英文c all,意为bald秃的
c音似“菜”+allow承认→菜鸟级别就是未被承认的⇒人未成熟的,羽翼未丰的GRE难词记忆callow 音“开喽”→把年轻而没有经验的人全给我开喽联想记忆call +low → 叫做“低”的东西 ⇒未成熟的近义词 raw未加工的green绿色的youthful年轻的childish孩子气的immature不成熟的adolescent青春期的unfledged羽毛未丰的inexperienced无经验的fledgling刚会飞的幼鸟…

用作形容词Callow birds left desert to the skies.那羽翼未丰的小鸟离开沙漠飞向天空。
He was acallowyouth when he joined the newspaper.他进报社时还是个乳臭未干的小子。
I believed a lot of things in mycallowyouth that I don't believe now.在我年轻尚无经验时相信的许多事情,现在我不相信了。adj.immature
同义词 inexperiencedcrude,green,guileless,infant,jejune,jellybean,juvenile,kid,low tech,naive,not dry behind ears,puerile,raw,sophomore,tenderfoot,unbaked,unfledged,unripe,unsophisticated,untrained,untried,young
反义词 experienced,initiated,mature,sophisticated
childishadjective immature, silly
adolescent,baby,babyish,childlike,foolish,frivolous,green,infantile,infantine,innocent,jejune,juvenile,kid stuff,naive,puerile,unsophisticated,young,youthful
crudeadjective unrefined, natural
amateurish,callow,coarse,green,harsh,homemade,homespun,immature,impure,in the rough,inexpert,makeshift,outline,prentice,primitive,raw,rough,rough-hewn,rude,rudimentary,rustic,simple,sketchy,thick,undeveloped,unfinished,unformed,ungraded,unmatured,unmilled,unpolished,unprepared,unprocessed,unproficient,unsorted,untaught,untrained,unworked,unwrought
crudestadjective unrefined, natural
amateurish,callow,coarse,green,harsh,homemade,homespun,immature,impure,in the rough,inexpert,makeshift,outline,prentice,primitive,raw,rough,rough-hewn,rude,rudimentary,rustic,simple,sketchy,thick,undeveloped,unfinished,unformed,ungraded,unmatured,unmilled,unpolished,unprepared,unprocessed,unproficient,unsorted,untaught,untrained,unworked,unwrought
freshadjective inexperienced
fresheradjective inexperienced
freshestadjective inexperienced
artless,callow,green,natural,new,raw,tenderfooted,uncultivated,unpracticed,unskilled,untrained,untried,unversed,young,youthful A pity then that the party that looks likely to win the most seats in the lower house, the Democratic Party of JapanDPJ, looks so callow and ill- prepared to take over.
遗憾的是,尽管民主党可能赢得下议院的大多数席位,要接管当政大权似乎还显得太过生嫩且毫无准备。 ecocn

Established bureaucrats and politicians despised the youthful, callow fellow- protesters he brought in with him.
位置坐定的官僚和政客根本瞧不上他带上来的少不更事的当年一同上街的示威者。 ecocn

The overall fiscal tightening in 2011, including actions announced earlier, will be an eye-watering 4.3% of GDP, estimates Julian Callow, at Barclays Capital.
巴克莱银行的 Julian Callow估计到,2011年的整体财政紧缩政策,包括早前宣布的措施,将到达 GDP的4.3%这个惨目忍睹的数字。 ecocn.org

A callow young toff falls for a beauty of shaky morals and follows her to the end of the world, shedding fortune, scruples and self-respect along the way.
一个乳臭未干的年轻花花公子爱上一个道德成问题的美人并追她到天涯海角,一路散尽家财、抛弃良心和自尊。 yeeyan

And the European Central Bank ECB may not go along while it is focused on the risk of inflation, says Julian Callow, of Barclays Capital.
巴克莱资本的 Julian Callow说,欧洲中央银行关注通货膨胀的风险,可能不会和美联储一起降息。 ecocn

As in Germany, that process could be slow and rely more on hiring freezes than lay-offs, says Julian Callow at Barclays Capital.
巴克莱资本的朱利安说像德国一样,这个过程可能漫长并且更多地依赖于冻结雇佣而不是解雇。 ecocn

German and Italian exports to Spain have slowed sharply since last year, according to Julian Callow at Barclays Capital.
据巴克利银行的朱利安·凯洛称,从去年开始,德国、意大利对西班牙的出口就大幅放缓。 ecocn

In any case, callow as their ideas sometimes are, the Beatles exemplify a refreshing distrust of authority, disdain for conventions and impatience with hypocrisy.
无论如何,披头士的观点有时仍显稚嫩,他们代表了一股振奋人心力量,对权势质疑,蔑视保守和伪善。 yeeyan

It means inflation may well have peaked in July, reckons Julian Callow at Barclays Capital, though it may start to fall meaningfully only in the final months of this year.
巴克莱基金的 Julian Callow断言这就意味着7月份的通胀已经达到了顶峰,虽然在今年的后几个月它将有可能有意的开始下降。 ecocn

Julian Callow of Barclays Capital reckons euro-area GDP fell at an annualised rate of around 5% in the fourth quarter, as bad as in America.
据 Barclays Capital的 Julian Callow的估算,欧元区第四季度的年增长率将下降5%,这将与美国一样糟糕。 ecocn

Julian Callow of Barclays Capital reckons that it shrank by as much as America’s in the fourth quarter.
巴克莱资本 Barclays Capital的 Julian Callow认为,该区经济第四季度下滑程度将不亚于美国。 ecocn

Satan pocketed a bottle and shuffled toward the car. Peeking inside, he saw a callow young man at the wheel. “Where you headed?” he said.
撒旦将一只瓶子揣进口袋,拖着双脚走向车子。往里一瞄,发现驾车的是个愣头小伙子。“你去哪?”他问。 yeeyan

The rundown in stocks across the euro area may have cut as much as 1% off GDP during the first quarter, reckons Julian Callow at Barclays Capital.
巴克利资本的朱利安·凯洛估计,第一季度欧元区股票市场的下挫可能给带来1%的 GDP损失。 ecocn

To his detractors, Kennedy was a pretender to the throne, callow and Catholic, the son of a supposed crook.
在反对者眼中,肯尼迪并非一个真正的王者,只是一个初涉政坛的新人、一个天主教徒、一个据说是无赖的儿子。 yeeyan




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