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cal·lo·sci·u·rus AHDˌkalōˌsīˈyu̇rəs 基本例句 美松鼠属¹⁰⁰ Population dynamics of Dremomys pernyi andCallosciuruserythraeus in protective and non-protective pine forests at different ages.然而,保护区以外的人工林却需更长时间才有松鼠建立种群。 Dominance of Dremomys pernyi andCallosciuruserythraeus in small mammal communities, time niche breadth and time niche overlap between the two small mammals were calculated respectively.计算珀氏长吻松鼠和赤腹松鼠在小兽群落中物种优势度、时间生态位宽度、两种小兽的时间生态位重叠度; Callosciuruscamcepsn. 金背松鼠 Callosciurusquinquestriatusn. 五纹松鼠 Callosciurusflavimanusn. 黄足松鼠 |