

单词 calling
释义 call·ing 英ˈkɔːlɪŋ美ˈkɔlɪŋAHDkôʹlĭng ★☆☆☆☆COCA¹⁶⁷¹BNC²³¹⁴iWeb⁹²⁶³Economist¹⁶¹⁴
the particular occupation for which you are trained来自call,呼叫。calling card名片the pot calling the kettle black锅嫌水壶黑。…name-calling骂人multiaddress calling多地址呼叫visiting card名片call呼叫cold-calling不请自来的推销…roll-call点名calling key呼叫键simultaneous calling同时叫通,全体叫通…calling station呼叫站,调用位置,呼…calling convention调用惯例calling program得程序,调用程序…calling procedure呼叫过程calling sequence引入序列,呼叫序列…calling location计 调用单元, …calling party主叫用户calling cord呼叫塞绳calling lamp呼叫灯calling order传送程序
call-ing动名词⇒n.召唤⁷⁰;呼喊¹⁸;愿望;职业动词call的现在分词近义词 work工作trade贸易skill技能career生涯pursuit追求mission使命vocation职业business商业profession职业occupation职业

用作名词We heard thecallingof the bells to prayer.我们听见了召唤祈祷的钟声。
I called out her name but she turned a deaf ear to mycalling.我大声叫她,但她不理我。
Her son had acallingto become a vocalist.她儿子有一股热望,要成为一名歌唱家。
Thanks forcalling.谢谢你打电话来。
Please put the receiver back aftercalling.打完电话后,请把听筒放回原位。noun.chosen profession
同义词 art,business,career,craft,do,dodge,employment,gig,go,handicraft,hang,lifework,line,mission,occupation,play,province,pursuit,racket,slot,swindle,trade,vocation,workday gig,life's work,metier,métier,nine-to-five,rat race,walk of life
反义词 avocation,entertainment,fun,pastime,recreation,surrender,unemploymentamusement,hobby
affairnoun matter or business to be taken care of;happening activity
assignment,avocation,case,circumstance,concern,duty,employment,episode,event,hap,happening,incident,interest,job,mission,obligation,occupation,occurrence,office function,proceeding,profession,project,province,pursuit,question,realm,responsibility,subject,task,thing,topic,transaction,undertaking
businessnoun job, profession
bag,biz,calling,career,craft,dodge,employment,field,function,game,line,livelihood,métier,occupation,pursuit,racket,specialty,trade,vocation,what one is into,work
businessesnoun job, profession
Mom and pops,cartels,concerns,corporations,establishments,factories,firms,fly-by-night operations,houses,institutions,markets,megacorps,mills,monopolies,organizations,outfits,partnerships,setups,shoestring operations,shops,stores,syndicates,trusts,ventures
callnoun yelled statement
ahoy,alarm,all hail,calling,command,cry,hail,holler,scream,shout,signal,whoop,yawp,yell
craftnoun business, discipline
craftsnoun business, discipline
abilities,adeptness,adroitness,aptitudes,artistry,arts,cleverness,competences,cunning,dexterities,expertness,ingenuity,knacks,know-hows,proficiencies,techniques I’m calling to ask you about our contract.
我打电话是要问你关于合约的事情。 ebigear

Maps with global element inputs can only be tested by calling them from another map.
具有全局元素的映射只能通过从另外的映射中调用它们来进行测试。 ibm

On the other hand, tightly calling and called coupled systems assume that both have the knowledge of what each requires to trust one another.
另一方面,紧密耦合的调用和被调用系统会假定双方都已经拥有了让对方信任所需要的事项。 ibm

A filter can terminate its processing at any time by calling the next filter in the chain.
一个过滤器可以通过调用过滤器链中下一个过滤器随时终止自身处理。 ibm

Also please include no calling or texting employees on the holiday either.
也请包括不在节日那天打电话和发短信给员工。 yeeyan

But if we stop thinking of ourselves as consumers, and start calling ourselves“ people”, then we open up the question.
但是如果我们停止思考我们自己作为消费者,而且开始叫我们自己“普通人”,那时我们打开了一个问题。 yeeyan

By calling the various methods of each element, you can display the stack dump in any format you'd like.
通过调用每个元素的不同方法,您可以用任何自己喜欢的格式来显示堆栈转储信息。 ibm

Each feature is considered pluggable, so that if it is not needed, then it is not loaded into memory and not in the calling chain of the request handling.
我们将每个特性都设计成可插拔的,这样如果不需要某个特性,那它就不会加载到内存中,同时也不会加载到请求处理的调用链中。 infoq

For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.
因为神的恩赐和选召,是没有后悔的。 ebigear

Friends have been calling all morning to inquire after you.

Here is an implementation of a factorial calculator, where we use a conventional technique of calling a second, nested method to do the work.
这里是一个阶乘计算器的实现,我们会使用一种常规的方法,通过调用第二个,嵌套的方法来完成计算。 yeeyan

His brother was calling him, it sounded like from the top of the hill.
他听到弟弟在叫他,声音似乎是从小山顶上传下来的。 yeeyan

I feel silly calling my doctor, who said we should spend the first several hours of labor at home.
我觉得给医生打电话很愚蠢,因为他告诉我临产最初的几个小时应该在家里度过。 yeeyan

In all this, the interface is the key, and is the focus of the calling application.
在所有这些表述中,接口是最关键的,同时也是调用应用程序关注的焦点。 ibm

In this case, it may be a good option to store those results locally instead of calling the query on every request.
在这种情况下,一个好的选择就是在本地存储这些结果,而非针对每个请求调用查询。 ibm

No, you’re not a liar, as some of your colleagues are calling you, you just have an incredible imagination.
不,你不是一个骗子。你某个同事在叫你呢,你只是做了一个不可思议的梦而已。 yeeyan

On the other hand, a calling class may need temporary permissions to complete an operation in another class that has those permissions.
在另一方面,调用类可能需要临时许可权来完成另一个拥有那些许可权的类中的操作。 ibm

The air-liner was calling the control tower at the airport.

This method will return null if the focus owner is not in the same context as the calling thread.
如果该焦点所有者未和调用线程处于同一个上下文中,那么该方法会返回空。 ibm

When you find work that you would do for free, you have found your passion and calling in life.
当你找到了你愿意不计报酬的工作,你就找到了生活的激情和你生命内在的呼唤。 yeeyan

Calling for a taxi can be a gamble. You never know who will show up.
叫计程车也可以是一次冒险,因为你永远不知道谁会出现在你面前。 joyen

Calling the function on a subtree of the document can diminish the risks.
在文档的子树上调用该函数可以减少这些出错的风险。 ibm




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