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词汇 闭门造车
释义 闭门造车 bì mén zào chē 常用成语
act blindly by divorcing oneself from reality繁体閉門造車近义拒谏饰非;独断专行反义集思广益;群策群力正音“车”,不能读作“jū”。
法文faire qch. par pure imagination
俄文прожектёрствовать сидя в четырёх стенáх自以为闭门造车,出而合辙,而门外之辙与其所造之车,果相合否。严复《救亡决论》连动式:作谓语;定语;状语;多用于批评;劝告;含贬义。宋 朱熹《<四书>或问》第五卷:“古语所谓‘闭门造车,出门合辙’,盖言其法之同。”解释: 关起门来造车子。宋·朱熹《四书或问》卷五:“古语所谓‘闭门造车,出门合辙’,盖言其法之同也。”解释: 意思是由于按照同一规格,虽然关起门来造车,但用起来必然与道路的车辙相合。后比喻不管客观情况如何,只凭主观愿望办事。明·王世懋《徐仪父诗集序》:“顾心独好诗,日夜苦吟,以自快其蕴而已,闭门造车,宁当有意击毂狭斜道哉!”


近义词 凭空捏造向壁虚构凭空杜撰关门造车盲目行事拒谏饰非独断专行
反义词 集思广益群策群力
Mayor Anderson took the bus every day for a month because he didn't want to be an armchair critic. joyen

Don't draw up plans behind closed doors. iciba

Against the open- ended, stop behind closed doors, the most suitable is the best, carefully re- each element, each a project intentions. adminkc

In general terms, architects look for proven solutions when developing an architecture, rather than reinventing the wheel, thereby avoiding unnecessary creativity. ibm

关于惩戒违反职业道德的行为, Khuran先生受英特网,而非一群闭门造车的专家的启发。
As for punishing unprofessional behaviour, Mr Khurana is inspired by the internet rather than by a closed council of grandees. ecocn

Over- emphasize shortcomings and ignore market share of auto parts industry will only make, because companies piaffe without effective methods in before the way only limited otherwise. cwzyc

Most people do not ask for help because they believe it to be a sign of weakness rather than strength. yeeyan

起亚斯洛伐克工厂老板 Bae In- Kyu说:“如果我们只是在韩国闭门造车,我们并不能确切了解什么是欧洲客户最想要的”。
“ If we try and do everything from South Korea, we cannot know what exactly European customers want,” says Bae In- Kyu, the boss of Kia's Slovakian plant. ecocn

But a research can't act blindly, especially in the background of new curriculum reform, need to reference some maturity experience from outside.591-lw

He has transformed the staid, insular,200-year-old savings bank into one of the largest retail banks in central and eastern Europe. ecocn

We believe that films should not be made behind closed doors; we can't call ourselves the' Hollywood of the east' and then just compete with other film industries. yeeyan

They should not be sheltered from non- Christian viewpoints, but must become able to evaluate all knowledge critically, to gain from that which is true and to discard error. jfccc

In my opinion, the development of the characters from complex to simple is inevitable, but it does not mean that so-called elites make cars behind the closed door. tingvoa

这是 Linux所实现的最好功能;它提供了一个开放的环境,人们可以从中学习经验,而不用从头开始闭门造车。
This is Linux doing what it does best; providing an open environment where people can learn from experience without having to reinvent the wheel entirely from scratch. ibm

It's a completely individualistic approach to music- making, requiring hours of isolation and limited interaction with other musicians. yeeyan

As Mr Jorgenson of Harvard University puts it: “ Think Google, not lab coats.” ecocn

On the whole I am pleased to tell you that we will not work behind closed doors will not rest on its laurels, we must always pay attention to details and improve our quality of service. hicoo

In 2009 Wired magazine described the failures of the game's original developers, suggesting that one of their problems was trying to produce it themselves. ecocn

Much better than reinventing the wheel, it's useful to look at some existing models and see what has been developed before the team moves on to the high- level design phase. ibm

Brand management was top down, internally focused, political and money based. yeeyan

One of the big disadvantages of Chinese system of education is that it focuses entirely on learning in the classroom, with endless days and weekends of classroom study.

这位自称是“闭门造车的犹太老师” 的人,在生命的最后阶段还在计划他的将来,其中包括替巴黎的巴士底歌剧院写一部新作。
At the end of his life, the self-described closet rabbi was still planning his future, including a new work for the Bastille Opera in Paris. iciba




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