词汇 | 闭关自守 |
释义 | 闭关自守 辨形“守”,不能写作“首”;“手”。 辨析闭关自守和“闭关锁国”;都可以表示“不与外国往来”。但闭关自守语义范围广;可泛指不与外界往来。 辨形“守”,不能写作“首”;“手”。 辨析闭关自守和“闭关锁国”;都可以表示“不与外国往来”。但闭关自守语义范围广;可泛指不与外界往来。 法文fermé au monde extérieur 俄文отгородиться от внéшнего мира 德文Selbstisolation 反义词 No country, of course, is bound to repeat the history, and China has shed centuries of insularity to embrace foreign investment, trade and technology. There is a danger that countries will turn inward and as a result international cooperation could falter. Most universities are disgracefully old-fashioned and introverted, run by self-interested bureaucracies, mediocre to their roots. But independence does not mean shutting the door on the world, nor does self-reliance mean blind opposition to everything foreign. No country, of course, is bound to repeat history, and China has shed centuries of insularity to embrace foreign investment, trade and technology. Independence does not mean shutting the door on the world, nor does self-reliance mean blind opposition to everything foreign. We pursued the policy of “self- seclusion” in the past, resulting in “the destitution of the people and exhaustion of the financial resource”. After the founding of the People's Republic we were blockaded by others, so the country remained virtually closed, which created difficulties for us. By the time China was slowly opening to the outside world after decades of self-imposed isolation, the dolphin was in trouble. Europe is on the verge of disaster, China is closed to outsiders and Australia, New Zealand and Canada are too small to accommodate massive fund flows. All of these issues are rooted in the fact that no one nation can meet the challenges of the21st century on its own, nor effectively advance its interests in isolation. Although this may seem contradictory, the film critic who only watches films to the exclusion of all other pursuits will deliver introverted, myopic reviews. This friendly communication interrupted as the Qing Government carried out a closed-door policy. Meanwhile, the Qing Dynasty kept the country closed to the outside world, the society reached a plateau, and the class contradiction was intensifying. We have paid dearly in this connection, because for many years we kept our door closed to the outside world and so we lacked experience. The introverted party looked unable to pick a front-man who could also impress the wider electorate. Taken together, Mr Kim's three new jobs mark him out as the future leader of a state that is isolated as it's ever been. While relying on our efforts, we should not close our doors. |
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