释义 |
门面 mén miàn 基本例句 appearanceshop frontstorefrontthe facade of a shop繁体門面他穿着他兄弟的夜礼服去参加盛大的集会,但是穿着向别人借来的装门面的漂亮衣服看上去很不舒服,还不如他平时穿的牛仔裤和梯恤衫好。He wore his brother's evening dress to the function but looked very uncomfortable in his borrowed plumes instead of hi usual jeans and tee shirt. 那些窗户上的百叶窗只是为了装装门面,它们装在墙上,而且也不能完全关上。The shutters by those windows are just for show-they're fixed to the wall and close properly. 它本来是一个普通花瓶,为了装门面,她却说它是一件传家宝。It was an ordinary vase, but to save appearances, she said it was a family heirloom. |