

单词 门庭若市
释义 门庭若市 mén tíng ruò shì 常用成语
a much visited house繁体門庭若市近义车水马龙反义门可罗雀;门庭冷落辨形“庭”,不能写作“餽”。
法文maison très fréquentéeaffluence de visiteurs
俄文большой съезд гостей
德文stark besucht sein es wimmelt von Besuchern声价最高,门庭若市者,如常熟则高坵;湖田;退垦桥;乌船头等女巫。 ★清·壮者《扫迷帚》第十八回一天早晨,他穿好朝服.戴好帽子,对着镜子端详一番,然后问他的妻子说:“我和城北徐公比较起来,谁长得英俊。“你英俊;极了,徐公怎么比得上你呢?”妻子说。
于是,他对齐威王说:“我本来不如徐公漂亮,但妻;妾;客人都说我比他漂亮,这是因为妻偏护我,妾畏惧我,客人有事求我,所以他们都恭维我,不说真话。而我们齐国地方这么大,宫中上下,谁不偏护你,满朝文武,谁不畏惧你,全国百姓谁不希望得到你的关怀,看来恭维你的人一定更多,你一定被蒙蔽得非常严重了!”邹忌又劝谏说:“现在齐国地方千里,城池众多,大王接触的人也比我多得多,所受的蒙蔽也一定更多。大王如能开诚布公地征求意见,一定对国家有益。”齐威王听了,觉得很有道理,立刻下令说“无论是谁,能当面指出我过失的,给上赏;上奏章规劝我的,给中赏;在朝廷或街市中议论我的过失,并传到我耳中的,给下赏!”命令一下,群臣前去进谏的,一时川流不息,朝廷门口每天像市场一样热闹。主谓式:作谓语;定语;用于家庭;商业;服务场所;中性词。《战国策·齐策一》:“齐王乃下令:‘群臣吏民,能而刺寡人之过者,受上赏;上书谏寡人者,受中赏;能谤讥子市朝,闯寡人之开者,受下赏。’令初下,群臣进谏,门庭若市。”解释: 门:门口。庭:庭院。门口和庭院像集市一样。形容来的人极多,热闹非凡。《战国策·齐策一》:“令初下,群臣进谏,门庭若市。”
清·无名氏《海公大红袍全传》五八回:“嵩自秉钧衡,以张居正;赵文华参用,分任吏;刑各部,以为牙爪。内外官缺,任意贿卖,门庭如市。败坏纪纲,莫此为甚。”近义词 宾至如归门可罗雀车水马龙华盖云集肩摩毂击熙来攘往熙熙攘攘往来如织户限为穿宾客盈门车马盈门
反义词 门可罗雀门庭冷落杜门不出形影相吊无人问津往来如织形单影只门堪罗雀空谷足音
那些当地的爱慕者把她的家搞得门庭若市。Her local admirers beat a path to her door.4月,就在英国提高了高收入者税率的上限后,大量的对冲基金及其代理商让他的办公室变得门庭若市。
In April, just after Britain increased its top rate of tax for high earners, large numbers of hedge funds and their agents started knocking on his door. ecocn

The different districts also offer beautiful parks and outdoor cafes that are buzzing all year long. ebigear

此外,纽约新画廊 Neue Galerie会于2007年10月12日到2008年6月30日期间展览克利姆特的绘画作品,而展览开始的第一周就门庭若市——招来了六千名游客!
And6,000 visitors had crowded into the first week of the Klimt exhibition at New York's Neue Galerie, running from October12th to June30th2008. ecocn

But whether the Bush Institute buzzes with interest, or sits mournfully empty, will depend on how Mr Bush is seen by history. ecocn

Otherwise, he will receive a lot of visitors who will ask him to tell future, or start Qi, or cure disease, or pray for them. He will become rich, but he can't calm down to practice. blog.sina.com.cn

Otherwise, you will receive a lot of visitors who will ask you to tell future, or start Qi, or cure disease, or pray for them. You will become rich, but you can't calm down to practice. blog.sina.com.cn

the commission even won the accolade of seeing its website crash under overwhelming traffic. ecocn

Even in an economy suffering severe economic pain, many foot massage centers are still bustling with customers, both Chinese and foreigners. shandong.chinadaily.com.cn

Today is his wedding. Many people are streaming to his house. yinghanhuyi.com

The recent years elevate temperature day after day to the Fei Ming attention, although the attention are not many but no longer“are after all orphaned certainly” Li Jianwu. yinghanhuyi.com

某日,当通用汽车公司和 IBM这样的工业巨头们正通过裁减雇员数目以求设法生存时,总部在威斯康星州密尔沃基市的“人力公司”却是门庭若市。
One day at a time. As industrial giants like General Motors and IBM struggle to survive by reducing the number of employees, Manpower, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is booming. yinghanhuyi.com

Oh, it's kind of a full house here. Your business is booming! blog.sina.com.cn

Some came here for breakfast as well as making up despite an extra walk of one or two streets long. blog.sina.com.cn

His house is crowed with people who come to visit him every day. nciku

Business offices are reflected in previous offices and restaurants busy, can now start their event, this is a real revolution effectiveness. yinghanhuyi.com

You can get by for a while on routines and tactics, but higher- quality women are has a lot going for him, and creating an exciting lifestyle is an important part of this.360doc

This phenomenon created a show once every day, crowds of passengers, and many collage students came here to do hairdressing by car. gochangzhou

These seminars or forums of expression organizations, we found that listening to these theoretical discussions, did not benefit. yinghanhuyi.com

As a first initiative of this new concept of home design Baiyun golf Garden, the sales department is certainly more recently, visitors flooded. yinghanhuyi.com

Debate over its proposals dominated the airwaves; the commission even won the accolade of seeing its website crash under overwhelming traffic. ecocn

Her local admirers beat a path to her door. websaru

原先整天门庭若市, 现在却“门前冷落车马稀”。
The door to his house used to be crowded with visitors who had since deserted him.《新英汉大辞典》

It powered the economy, paying for the education of children and grandchildren, keeping the cruise ships and golf courses full and the restaurants humming. yeeyan

Madame Tussauds Wax Museum has been crowded with guests for200 years since its opening, attracting millions of tourists. yinghanhuyi.com




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