

单词 长篇大论
释义 长篇大论 cháng piān dà lùn 常用成语
a lengthy speech or articleharanguetirade繁体長篇大論近义空洞无物;冗词赘句反义短小精悍;言简意赅;简明扼要正音“长”,不能读作“zhǎng”。
法文long discours ou article ennuyeux
德文in die Lǎnge gezogene Rede wortreicher Artikel诗上所叙闺臣姐姐事迹,长篇大论,倒象替他题了一个小照。清 李汝珍《镜花缘》第八十九回联合式:作宾语;状语;用于说话或文章等;含贬义。清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第七十八回:“原稿在哪里?倒要细细看看,长篇大论,不知说的是什么。”解释: 指篇幅很长的文章和连续不断的议论。清·李汝珍《镜花缘》八九回:“诗上所叙闺臣姊姊事迹,长篇大论,倒像替他题了一个小照。”


近义词 简明扼要言简意赅冗词赘句洋洋万言洋洋洒洒大块文章大书特书累牍连篇长篇累牍连篇累牍空洞无物
反义词 断简残编言简意赅简明扼要片言只语三言两语短小精悍要言不烦
他惯於做长篇大论的演说。He was wont to give lengthy speeches.
他的长篇大论只是吹牛和空话。His long speech was nothing but gas and hot air.
他对那件事长篇大论地解释起来。He went into a long explanation of the affair.埃米尔长篇大论地骂完之后,回到克斯特亚身边。
After Emil finished his tirade, he stalked back to Kostya. yeeyan

Instead of encouraging multinational business, President Obama and his advisers offer their now familiar tirade against companies“shipping jobs overseas.” fortunechina

His tirade against Mr Paulson is unseemly as well as unconvincing. ecocn

Long pieces about foreign affairs are low on readers' priorities----the more so now that the internet enables people to scan international news headlines in moments. ecocn

Tensions surface in the mysterious occasional harangues in the press against those calling (though not in public for the “ depoliticisation” and“ nationalisation” of the armed forces. ecocn

Senate Democrats complain that there have been more filibusters since they took control of the chamber four years ago than in the60 years from1920 to1980. ecocn

The birds did not understand Snowball’s long words, but they accepted his explanation, and all the humbler animals set to work to learn the new maxim by heart. yeeyan

How to tell a story: it is a short question which demands a long answer. yeeyan

Even longer ago, they probably sat at their desks writing out long, emotional letters. yeeyan

Fellow doctors have recounted how they were repeatedly harangued by Hasan about religion and that he openly claimed to be a “ Muslim first and American second.” yeeyan

They don't have time for philosophies or views. hjenglish

外交部长兼自由民主党主席 Guido Westerwelle就福利的依赖性发表了长篇大论,却没有展现一个政治家该有的庄严举止。
Guido Westerwelle, who is both foreign minister and FDP leader, issues tirades on welfare dependency rather than showing the gravitas expected of a statesman. ecocn

I know another lecture on the big R, responsibility, is coming up. yeeyan

Some see the whole proposal as a negotiating tactic, to encourage the Republicans to embrace milder reforms or at least use the filibuster more sparingly. ecocn

This is a vitriolic tirade, and it gets ugly.163

There is no wild talk of promoting democracy, or even regime change. ecocn

Which means that my homework haranguing may be more about my own need to make them as successful in school as I was than it is about their knowledge of math or chemistry. yeeyan

said the president’s tirades raised“ questions about his mental stability” and that he had according to palace insiders ecocn

The government recently announced plans to censor imported books as well as the internet, saying it wanted to ban hate screeds and pornography. ecocn

作为北卡罗来那州威克福斯特大学 Wake Forest University的英文教授,威尔逊先生精心炮制了长篇大论,反对这个国家对“狂热的福佑”的荒唐拥抱。
An English professor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, Mr Wilson has crafted a tirade against the country's “ wanton” embrace of“ manic bliss”. ecocn

Offensive rants— racist, misogynist, or obscene— are an exception. www.chinadaily.com.cn

Now mind you, these are not lengthy missives. Some of them are just a few sentences. yeeyan

China’s friend-in-need sympathy to the EU’s stricken economies seems in sharp contrast to the harangues to which some of its officials and academics were subjecting the EU just a year ago. yeeyan




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