词汇 | 锲而不舍 |
释义 | 锲而不舍 辨形“锲”,不能写作“契”。 辨析锲而不舍和“持之以恒”都可形容有“恒心”。但是锲而不舍是带有比喻性;更加形象;而“持之以恒”是直陈性的。 辨形“锲”,不能写作“契”。 辨析锲而不舍和“持之以恒”都可形容有“恒心”。但是锲而不舍是带有比喻性;更加形象;而“持之以恒”是直陈性的。 俄文неустáнная деловитность 拉丁文Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi, sed saepe cadendo. 在哲学思想方面,荀子认为自然发展有其客观的规律;反对天命,不迷信鬼神,认为人定胜天;还主张因地;因时制宜,充分发挥人的才能,促使万物发展。在教育方面,他写过一篇十分著名的文章——《劝学》,来阐明他的教育思想。《劝学》中记述了他在教育;学习方面的很多理论,对后世影响十分深远。比如,他认为人接受教育,努力学习是非常必要的,这样才能“青出于蓝,而胜于蓝”,使学生超过老师,后人胜过前人。在《劝学》中,荀子还用镂刻金石来说明学习一定要持之以恒的道理。他写道:锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。后人就是根据这里锲而不舍的意思总结出了这句成语。这句话的意思是如果镂刻而不能坚持下去,就连朽木也不会被折断;但若坚持一直不停地镂刻,就是金属;石头也会被镂穿。学习知识是一个由少到多;日积月累的过程,高深渊博的学识是一点一滴积累而成的,所谓“不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海”。所以人们学习时一定要坚持不懈,只有这样才会取得成功。 【注意】❶注意锲读qiè。❷含褒义。 反义词 Perseverance, dare and innovative, bold, are good at learning. Perseverance is the window that lecommerciwiss one to success. Mr Brands is masterly in describing the patience with which FDR brought the country to understand the danger of fascism. The secret of success is perseverance. Asia's development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industrious and talented Asian people. The lawyer persists and explains that the game is easy and a lot of fun. In the pursuit of even the highest branches of human inquiry, the commoner qualities are found the most useful-- such as common sense, attention, application, and perseverance. He puts his achievements down to a combination of enthusiasm, perseverance and hard work. He succeeded after many years of perseverance. Their relentless pursuit of that dream was rewarded with an accomplishment that changed world travel. She was graduated with a bachelor of science degree, an upper-class accent acquired by elocution lessons, and an unflagging determination to enter politics. For our common interest, we should undertake our historical mission and work persistently toward this noble goal. There was the usual crowd of pushy working girls already hanging just outside the cafe in the blazing afternoon sun, trying to woo the single male tourists. A full set of static only perseverance, two months can first efficacy. So long as all member states join hands and deepen cooperation with perseverance, they will be able to create a bright future of lasting peace and common prosperity for the region. As long as there is money to be made, spam will follow us wherever we go. Concentration and perseverance built the great pyramids on Egypt's plains. It owed its early success to the dogged efforts of a handful of Chinese feng shui experts. It follows Ms Lall’s stubborn younger sister, Sabrina, as she tried to get justice done. The term“ flow psychology” says that great absorption, focus and enjoyment of work results from a balance between our skills and the challenge of the tasks we face. Nothing lay ahead of us but exertion, struggle, and perseverance. |
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