词汇 | 锦上添花 |
释义 | 锦上添花 辨形“锦”,不能写作“绵”;“添”,不能写作“填”。 辨析锦上添花和“如虎添翼”;都有“好上加好”的意思。但“如虎添翼”多表示“使强的更强”;一般用于人包括其组织;锦上添花多表示使“美的更美”;除用于人外;还能用于具体的和抽象的东西;适用范围比“如虎添翼”广得多。 辨形“锦”,不能写作“绵”;“添”,不能写作“填”。 辨析锦上添花和“如虎添翼”;都有“好上加好”的意思。但“如虎添翼”多表示“使强的更强”;一般用于人包括其组织;锦上添花多表示使“美的更美”;除用于人外;还能用于具体的和抽象的东西;适用范围比“如虎添翼”广得多。 歇后语花绸子上绣牡丹;春到成都 法文embellir une chose déjà belle 俄文украшáть парчу вышивкой 德文auf Brokat noch Blumen stikken jm/etwas zusǎtzlichen Glanz verleihen 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 “ That was icing on the cake, ” he said. The lesson for Brazil will be not to get too ambitious with the “ optional extras” when it comes to preparing for the World Cup and Olympics. In Chicago, however, derivatives reform may be a boon for business. Heavy selection puts a premium on the genes that work, and means beneficial mutations are more likely to be selected at the expense of diversity. In the old days it was more often the opposite: the academy would belatedly gild the lily of commercial success with a shiny finish of ersatz class. The legal age for drinking throughout most of the US is21 so, if you're cresting the big birthday, you probably will need some pointers on how to drink beer. Let us know which leadership behaviors you would add to the list. He'd certainly like to go out on an economic high note that would add to the already impressive economic credentials of his years in office. He thought he was just adding value to their ideas with his own. But every time he jumped on one of their ideas, he was having exactly the opposite effect. Saturn will add warm greetings too, so the positive effects of this full moon should be long lasting. We live in a service-oriented world, where messaging is not just nice to have, it's a requirement. Now she can add to her repertoire these impressive new photographs, which were shot by Mert Atlas and Marcus Piggot for a spread in the June edition of Interview magazine. And if you happen to help a childless couple along the way, that's just icing on the cake. Some regional trade deals in the right circumstances have indeed added to economic well-being. These miniature glasses will bring a sparkle to your party. The damage was done in four minutes with Joan Capdevila, who gets his fair share of goals for a fullback, opening the scoring and Jose Llorente adding another shortly after. The fact that they were running this environment in a cloud was just icing on the cake! This year Capitalia, one of the country's biggest banking groups, is adding financial colour and noise. Free work is a boon to a struggling company, and you'll only add to your skills, your resume, and your contacts. |
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