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词汇 Californian
释义 Cal·i·for·nian 美ˌkælɪˈfɔːnɪən 高iWeb¹⁷⁵⁹⁵Economist⁶³⁹⁷

a native or resident of California
of or relating to or characteristic of California or its inhabitants;

Californian beaches

用作名词MostCalifornianadults are overweight.多数加州人体重过重。用作形容词Anyway, life doesn't end in theCaliforniandesert.Next week we will again play tennis.无论如何,生活并不会在加州的沙漠结束,下周我们还要继续比赛。
SeveralCalifornianfirms are also seeking to make advanced biofuels using modified bacteria.几个加州的公司也在寻求运用改良过的细菌制造高级生物燃料。 A couple of years ago the game's owners, a Californian firm called Blizzard Entertainment, accidentally spiced things up by releasing a plague far more virulent than they had intended.
数年前,一个叫暴雪娱乐的加州游戏开发和运营公司偶然通过发布比他们预期的更致命的“瘟疫”来增加游戏的趣味性。 ecocn

It is striking that such a reminder should even be necessary in a state that once symbolised optimism. But such is the Californian state of mind today.
乐观积极曾经是加州人的标志,遗憾的是今天的加州竟然需要这样的激励,但现实就是如此。 yeeyan

Mr Trawick- Smith found that the paper confirmed something he had already noticed himself about the Californian-ness of the gay accent.
特拉维克·史密斯先生发现这份文件证实了他自己早先对加利福尼亚同志口音的一些发现。 yeeyan

The “ antagonistic” Californian model, where initiatives are“ hammers” to smash things, is one to avoid, he says.
而加州的“敌对”模式—立法提案就是摧毁事物的“铁锤”,是应当避免的,他说道。 ecocn

The annual orgy of sexual reproduction in the Californian almond orchards owes little to the unintended bounty of nature.
然而加利福尼亚杏树果园中的这场年度有性繁殖狂欢并非大自然无意间的赏赐。 ecocn

A Californian study of sex offenders who underwent “ relapse prevention”, counselling of the sort that alcoholics get from Alcoholics Anonymous, found that it was useless.
加利福尼亚一项研究欲通过对嗜酒者心理咨询来预防性侵犯者“旧病复发”的几率,结果去发现毫无效果。 ecocn

Earlier this year, Californian scientists Robert L Pitman and John W Durban sailed to the Antarctic in search of killer whales.
今年年初,加利福尼亚科学家罗伯特· L·皮特曼和约翰· W·德班驶往南极搜寻杀人鲸。 yeeyan

Finally, the Californian economy in1966 was doing fine, and nothing kept the legislature from raising taxes.

For all this, surfing retains some ties to its early Californian ethos.
在这点上,在冲浪运动保持着与它早期加州风格的一些联系。 ecocn

From the start, Californian direct democracy thus had the opposite social purpose of its Swiss mother.
从一开始,加州的直接民主就和其瑞士之母在社会目标上就相反。 ecocn

He tries to avoid speaking of “ father God”, so dismal are many people's experiences with fathers in this struggling Californian city.
他尽量避免提到“父神”一词,就因为在这个生活艰难的加州城里,“父亲”是许多人家的心头之痛。 ecocn

However, among Californian Democrats, that last matter need not be a disaster.
然而在加州民主党人,这种事情不一定是灾难。 ecocn

IN 1896, a Californian entrepreneur drilled the world's first offshore oil well from a jetty stretching out into the Pacific near Santa Barbara.
1896年,一位加利福尼亚的企业家在圣巴巴拉附近一座码头以外的海域开采了世界上第一口海上石油矿井。 ecocn

Its report focused on the threat of an earthquake damaging the Californian homes in the mortgage pool.
在报告中,穆迪集中地阐述了可能的地震将给加州的房地产带来的威胁。 ecocn

Mr Chou can sound more like a Californian management guru than an Asian corporate patriarch.
周听起来更像是一位加州管理专家而不是一位亚洲公司的创始人。 ecocn

Not that Californian government comes cheap: it has the second- highest top level of state income tax in America after Hawaii, of all places.
加州的税收原本就并不低:他的个人所得税全美排名第二在所有州中,仅次于夏威夷。 ecocn

Other states can then choose to follow either the Californian standard or the federal one.
之后,其他的州可以参照加州或者联邦政府的标准。 ecocn

She herself was almost lost to the tribe for a while, married to a Latino at17, having two daughters early, living a middle- class Californian life.
她有一段时间几乎失去了自己的部落了,她17岁时嫁给了一个拉丁裔,并且早早生了两个女儿,在加州过着中产阶级的生活。 ecocn

Ships, houses, cars, and human remains are expected to wash up on Hawaiian shores within a year, and on Californian shores within three years.
夏威夷海岸上的船舶、房屋、汽车以及人的遗骸将在一年内被彻底冲走,而加利福尼亚海岸上的三年内会被冲走。 yeeyan

Some candidates can take comfort at the thought of the Californian gorilla.
一些候选人想到加州的暴发户选民就略感安慰。 ecocn

That happens to affect only one Californian city, Vernon.
这一法案恰好只影响到一座加州城市——弗农市。 kekenet

The Californian conference also heard details of a laser-based eye test that could pick up the disease when damage is still at a minimum.
在加州举行的这次会议上还讨论了一种基于激光手段检测眼睛的方式,在损害非常微小的时候将疾病发现。 yeeyan

Two days ago the firm announced it had tested a self- driving electric car on Californian highways.
两天之前,公司宣布它已经在加州公路上测试过一个自动驾驶电动车。 yeeyan

Whether the web, the printing- press’s latest descendant, will make Californian the language of the world, remains to be seen.
至于网络——印刷出版物最近的后代——是否会把加利福尼亚语变成流通全世界的语言,我们拭目以待。 yeeyan

Californian voters were the first, in 1996, to allow medical use of marijuana.
1996年,加州选民率先通过了允许药用大麻的政策。 ecocn

Californian weed may well become competitive in other American states; it is certain to become cheaper on legalisation, and is at least twice as potent as Mexican marijuana.
加州的大麻完全可能在其它州变得富有竞争力;它肯定会因为合法化而变得更加廉价,并且其竞争力至少是墨西哥大麻的两倍。 ecocn




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