释义 |
银子 yín zi ★☆☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰⁰⁸ᴾᵃ¹¹⁷³³ 基本例句 silver繁体銀子用毛皮把银子磨光,直到发亮为止。The silver was rubbed up with a leather till it shone. 窃贼带着我们所有的银子逃走了。The burglars made away with all our silver. 里弗尔旧时通行于法国的一种记帐货币,值一磅银子A money of account formerly used in France and originally worth a pound of silver. 在这个万物都会死亡或消失的世界上,惟有金子,有时还有银子,能长久存在。In this would where all other things die and pass away, gold, and sometimes also silver, remain. |