

单词 calif
释义 ca·lif 英ˈkeɪlɪf, ˈkælɪf美ˈkelɪf, ˈkælɪfAHDkāʹlĭf, kălʹĭf 高COCA³⁴¹⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb⁶⁰⁴⁵⁵

the civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth;

many radical Muslims believe a Khalifah will unite all Islamic lands and people and subjugate the rest of the world

近义词 kalif哈里发(伊斯兰教执掌政教…caliph哈里发(旧时伊斯兰教国家…khalif哈里发(伊斯兰教国家政教…kaliph哈里发(伊斯兰教执掌政教…khalifah哈里发(伊斯兰教领袖的称…
In2002 scientists at the John Wayne Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, Calif., thought they had finally figured out a way to turn the immune system against the skin cancer.
2002年,加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡约翰·韦恩癌症研究所的科学家曾认为最终找到了一个让免疫系统对抗皮肤癌的方法。 yeeyan

In2005, after a jury in Santa Maria, Calif. , acquitted Jackson of charges of molesting a12-year-old boy, he decamped to Bahrain.
2005年,加州的圣玛利亚,在陪审团宣判杰克逊猥亵一名12岁男童的罪名不成立后,他突然去了巴林。 yeeyan

Mr. Milarch pays him for each of the stumps he finds, including the one at Fort Dick, a town near the Oregon border just north of Crescent City, Calif.
他每找到一个木桩米拉奇先生就支付他奖金,包括他在加利福尼亚州新奥尔良市背部俄勒冈边界附近的迪克堡镇发现的那个树桩。 yeeyan

Wall-E lies on the queen-size bed of the“ Paris Suite” at the D Pet Hotel in Hollywood, Calif.
沃·依正躺在 D宠物大酒店巴黎套间的大号床上。这间酒店位于加利福尼亚州的好莱坞。 cri

A raft of sea otters are at play in a narrow estuary at Moss Landing, near Santa Cruz, Calif.
在加州圣克鲁兹附近的莫斯兰汀地区,有一个狭窄的海湾。 这里正有一群海獭在玩耍。 ecocn

Buildings that tell the world how they are performing, including the David Brower Center in Berkeley, Calif.
建筑物向世界展示其优良性能,包括在加利福尼亚州伯克利的大卫布劳尔中心。 yeeyan

During the jet's design phase, Parker sent three engineers and a program manager to Shanghai from its headquarters in Irvine, Calif.
在飞机设计阶段,派克从加州总部派了三名工程师和一位项目经理到上海。 ebigear

Goldsmith, an administrator at a community college in Coalinga, Calif. , said she typically hosts an“over-the-top meal” for friends and family.
戈德史密斯,这位加州考加林一个社区学院的管理人员,说她通常为家人和朋友们办个顶级大餐。 yeeyan

If you look past the razor wire decorating every gate and fence around every house or apartment, the better parts of Johannesburg might remind you of Santa Monica, Calif.
如果将家家户户门上和篱笆上的刀片刺网忽略不计,约翰内斯堡的部分高档街区或许能让你想起加州的圣塔莫尼卡。 yeeyan

In the one closest to me, in Sausalito, Calif., hundreds of boats sit, unmoving, in their slips.
离我最近的加利福尼亚州酥萨里托,数以百计的船一动不动的停在滑道上。 yeeyan

In an industrial park outside of Sacramento, Calif., there's a factory inside what looks like an old airplane hangar.
在加州,萨克拉门托城外的一个工业园里,有一个工厂里面看起来想一个老式的飞机挂物。 yeeyan

In February2008, Lawrence King, an eighth- grader from Oxnard, Calif., who occasionally wore high-heeled boots and makeup, was shot to death in class by another student.
加州奥克斯那德一名八年级学生劳伦斯金,平时偶尔化妆、穿高跟鞋,在2008年2月被其他学生在课堂上枪杀。 yeeyan

It also helps them learn how to interact with others, to develop empathy and to rein in their aggression, says the Morgan Hill, Calif. , dad.
加州摩根山爸爸说它也帮助他们学习怎样影响别人、开发情商和遏制他们的气焰。 yeeyan

Kotkin is a Distinguished Presidential Fellow at Chapman University of Orange County, Calif., and an adjunct fellow with the Legatum Institute in London.
乔尔•科特金是查普曼大学位于加州橘郡一位杰出的研究员,还是伦敦列格坦研究所的客座研究员。 yeeyan

MERCED, Calif. — The patient in Room328 had diabetes and hypertension.
发自加州默塞德——328房间的病人患有糖尿病和高血压。 yeeyan

Nobody had spotted Jaycee Lee Dugard since she was abducted near a bus stop in 1991 in South Lake Tahoe, Calif.
自从杰西·李加德1991年在加州南塔霍湖一个公车站旁被诱拐以来,再也没有人见过她。 yeeyan

SB14 is in flight test at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. , and will be delivered to the Air Force in 2011.
SB14轰炸机在加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地进行飞行测试,并将于2011年交付空军。 www.etiri.com.cn

She keeps a low profile, living in Malibu, Calif. with her husband Eric and running a real estate firm.
她一直很低调,她和丈夫一起住在加州的马里布,在那开了一家房地产公司。 yeeyan

The Cupertino, Calif., company calculates the amount of carbon each model uses.
这家位于加州的公司计算出每款电脑使用的碳量。 iciba

The Cupertino, Calif.-based company is due to report earnings for its most recent after the close of trading Tuesday.
这家位于加州库比蒂诺的公司将在本周二收盘后发布其最新一期季报。 forbeschina

The fact that a young woman had spent the past18 years enduring countless cruelties on a hidden backyard compound in Antioch, Calif., was out.
一个年轻女人过去18年在加州安提阿一个隐蔽的后院中忍受无数非人虐待的事实真相终于大白于天下。 yeeyan

To determine which cars lose their value the fastest, we turned to Kelley Blue Book, an Irvine, Calif.-based valuation company that determines resale prices for used cars.
要确定那种车贬值得最快,我们求助于凯利蓝皮书,它是一家位于加州加文市的为二手车再售价的估价公司。 yeeyan




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