释义 |
铁门 tiě mén ☆☆☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰⁰⁶ᴾᵃ¹⁵²⁰⁴ 基本例句 iron gate鐵門我怎样才能把铁门上的锈除掉呢?How can I remove the rust from the iron door? 他开门时,铁门发出刺耳的嘎嘎声。The iron gate jarred when he opened it. 沉重的铁门嘲笑我们不自量力,无法打开。The heavy steel doors mocked our attempts to open them. 不久何先生就会在他的十尺长四尺宽的木屋的侧门前面装一个铁门。他说那样他就可以高枕无忧了。话犹未了,一个驾车人打开车门时,猛然撞到报亭后墙,吓得报亭主人几乎魂不附体。Soon Mr.Ho will install an iron gate across the side entrance to his10-by-4-foot stall, and then he says he will be able to sleep again. But just as he is saying this, a motorist opens a car door and bangs it against the back of the kiosk and the proprietor nearly jumps out of his skin. |