

单词 calibrating
释义 cal·i·brate 英'kælɪbreɪt美'kælɪbreɪt COCA⁶²⁷³⁹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
make fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring;

calibrate an instrument

graduate a cylinder

mark the scale of a measuring instrument so that it can be read in the desired units;

he calibrated the thermometer for the Celsius scale

measure the caliber of;

calibrate a gun

track calibrate磁道校准
近义词 adjust调整rectify改正regulate调整attune使协调fine-tune微调graduate毕业生standardize使标准化bring into line排齐

用作及物动词My watch is faster, and I needcalibrateit.我的表走快了,我得把它校准。
You do not need tocalibratethe motion sensor.你无需校准运动传感器。
This thermometer iscalibratedby centigrade.这种温度计是用摄氏百分度标定的。as in.measuring
同义词 aligning,averaging,calculating,checking,gauging,grading,leveling,mapping,rhyming,scaling,surveying
measuringnoun weighing
aligning,averaging,calculating,checking,gauging,grading,leveling,mapping,rhyming,scaling,surveying In the traditional control, the control parameters obtained by large numbers of calibrating experiments are made the tables, and they are looked up as engine is running.
传统的控制策略是依靠先验知识并通过大量的标定试验获取控制参数表,发动机运行时完全依赖查表获得控制参数。 cnki

The accuracy of algorithmic methods may vary; however, it can also be improved by calibrating the method to the target environment.
基于算法的方法则不同,它可以调整算法适应目标环境,而使精度得到改善。 ibm

The ban gets support because people generally think that while they are responsible and good at calibrating what is safe and unsafe, others are not.
禁令得到支持是因为人们通常认为他们才是负责的并且善于衡量什么安全而什么是不安全的,其他人则不行。 yeeyan

The loading effect on dynamic characteristic of wrist force sensor is investigated in accordance with the dynamic calibrating experimental data.
根据动态标定实验数据,分析了负载变化对腕力传感器动态特性的影响。 cnki

From the instructions for some diets, you'd think losing weight was more complicated than calibrating a sextant against Orion on a cloudy night.
从日常饮食规定来看,你可能会认为减肥比多云的夜晚用猎户座校准六分仪还要复杂。 yeeyan

However, uncertainty about the quantitative effect of securities purchases increases the difficulty of calibrating and communicating policy responses.
不过,由无法量化证券购买的影响所引起的不确定性,增加了政策微调和政策沟通上的困难。 yeeyan

In the future, Miranda and his team hope to streamline it so that players don't need to spend hours training and calibrating.
未来,米兰达和他的团队希望能够将设备精简化,让奏乐者不需要花几个小时进行训练和校准。 yeeyan

In this demographic and cultural scene, politics is more than ever a matter of finely calibrating a religious- secular balance.
在这样一种人口与文化的境况中,政治所起到的平衡这一宗教与世俗的天平的作用就比以往显得更重要了。 ecocn

Perhaps it's some kind of targeting or calibrating grid for Chinese spy satellites?
也许这是中国间谍卫星某种形式的目标或校准网格? yeeyan

Perhaps it's some kind of targeting or calibrating grid for Chinese spy satellites? Maybe it's a QR code for aliens? Nobody really knows.
也许这是中国间谍卫星某种形式的目标或校准网格?也许是外国人的快速响应码?真没人知道。 yeeyan

Principle and function of automatic calibrating system consisting of multiple frequency standard data acquisition unit are introduced. Hardware setting and software design are simply elucidated.
介绍多路频标数据采集器组成的自动检定系统的原理和功能,并对硬件配置与软件设计作了简要说明。 cnki

Responsible for maintaining and calibrating all equipment in lab.
负责实验室仪器设备的维护和校准; liecai

Scientists and engineers will spend the next few weeks calibrating Kepler's science instrument, the photometer, and adjusting the telescope's alignment to achieve the best focus.
科学家和工程师在接下来的几周内将校准开普勒的科学仪器——光度计,并调节望远镜基线以获得最佳焦距。 www.astronomy.com.cn

So worried has the PBoC become that it is now calibrating individual banks' reserve requirements based on their compliance with lending caps.
对此有所顾忌的央行已经准备根据商业银行对放贷上限规定的遵守程度调整这些银行的存款准备金。 yeeyan

The MPA estimates rainfall by combining measurements from many satellites and calibrating them using rainfall measurements from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission TRMM satellite.
多卫星降水分析是结合多个卫星的监测结果,运用热带降雨观测卫星的监测结果进行校准,在此基础上估测降雨量。 yeeyan

The MPA estimates rainfall by combining measurements from many satellites and calibrating them against rainfall measurements from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission TRMM satellite.
该系统 MPA从来源于多个热带降雨测量任务 TRMM卫星【2】的数据测量和校准降雨量估算值。 yeeyan

The simulation results show that the constant gyro drifts and the heading errors, which provide information for calibrating the system errors, can be estimated exactly.
由仿真结果可以看出,它能较精确地估计陀螺常值漂移和航向角误差,为系统误差的校正提供了可信信息。 cnki

This paper introduces the calibration method for dynamic signal analyzer, automatic calibrating system and the notable problems in the calibration.
简要介绍了动态信号分析仪的校准方法、自动校准系统和校准时应注意的问题。 cnki

When the payments started, both groups started calibrating their use of violence depending on the cash flow, which was not small.
当钱到帐后,两个组织都开始因为这笔数目不菲的现金流,控制自身暴力手段的使用。 yeeyan




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