

单词 calendar
释义 cal·en·dar 英ˈkæləndə美ˈkæləndɚAHDkălʹən-dər ★★☆☆☆初高四六研IST4COCA⁶³⁸⁶BNC⁵⁹¹⁶iWeb²²⁷⁸Economist¹¹²⁴⁷


a printed table that lists the days, weeks, and months of the year

a system of timekeeping that defines the beginning and length and divisions of the yeara list or register of events appointments or social events or court cases etc;

I have you on my calendar for next Monday

a tabular array of the days usually for one year
enter into a calendar古代罗马人有祭司负责观察月亮变化。一旦发现新月出现,他就会向大家宣告新的一月开始,这一天就被称为calend。按照古罗马习俗,欠债者需要在这一天将到期的债务还清。古罗马人常用小本将每月第一天记录下来,以便提醒自己到时候还账。这个小本子就叫做calendar,这就是最早的日历。
用作名词 n.
动词+~clear one's calendar把各项议事日程安排妥当keep a calendar hung挂着日历形容词+~Hindu calendar印度历法full calendar排得很满的日程表hanging calendar挂历Jewish〔Roman〕 calendar犹太〔罗马〕历Muslim calendar回教历lunar〔solar〕 calendar阴〔阳〕历social calendar社交安排表名词+~court calendar宫廷〔法庭〕日程表schedule calendar一览表,课程表,议事日程~+名词calendar month历月calendar picture年历画介词+~by〔under〕 the old calendar根据旧历in the calendar历史上on the calendar日程上
calend每月第一天+ar=ary,形容词和名词后缀→记录每月第一天的本子→日历;calend=cal宣布+end 拉丁语动词的将来被动分词后缀,待…的→待宣布新的一月开始的那天⇒每月的第一天。GRE难词记忆比较 colander→漏勺→漏壶water clock→古代计时仪器和 calendar→日历→自古以来计算时间的方法可知,两者为异构词,且都跟时间有关非常记忆ca擦〖拼音〗+lend借出〖熟词〗+ar矮人〖拼音〗⇒把日历擦干净后借给矮人联想记忆cal看作call叫+end结束+ar→一年到头对日子的叫法→日历词根记忆calend一天+ar近义词 day bookchart of days
用作名词n.According to the calendar my birthday falls on a Sunday this year.按照今年的日历,我的生日恰好是个星期日。
The presidential elections are the highlight of next year's political calendar.总统选举是明年政治日程表上的大事。
According to the university calendar your examinations will be in June.依照大学的行事历,你们的考试将在六月举行。Pcalendarist历算家Pcalendariann.历书编纂人a.日历的Pstation-calendarn.火车离站时刻指示牌



用作名词He tore a leaf from thecalendar.他从日历上撕下一页。
But thiscalendaralso had problems.可是这种历法也有问题。
I don't see how we can fit this into the mayor's busycalendar.我不明白我们要怎样把这件事挤进市长满满的日程表中。
The cup final is an important date in the sportingcalendar.世界杯足球总决赛在运动日程表中是个重要日子。用作及物动词The assistant willcalendarthe next appointment in for me.助手会把下一个会面排进我的日程表。noun.schedule of events
同义词 agenda,almanac,card,chronology,diary,docket,journal,lineup,list,program,table,timetablebulletin,daybook,log,logbook,pipeline,record,register,tab,timeannal,menology,sked,system of reckoning
address booknoun agenda book
Filofax™agenda,electronic organizer,hand-held organizer,personal digital assistant
agendanoun list of things to do
agendasnoun list of things to do
almanacnoun document containing information for a year
bulletinnoun message, notification
account,announcement,break,calendar,communication,communiqué,dispatch,flash,handout,hot wire,item,list,news,news flash,notice,program,publication,release,report,scoop,skinny,statement,the dope,what's going down,what's happening
cardnoun piece of paper, often with purposeful writing
agenda,badge,billet,calendar,cardboard,check,docket,fiberboard,identification,label,pass,poster,program,schedule,sheet,square,tally,ticket,timetable,voucher Peer through the letterbox, and in the gloom you see a calendar pinned to the wall.
通过信箱凝视,在黑暗中你可以看到一个钉在墙上的日历。 ecocn

Yes, you can find that time. Schedule an appointment on your calendar.
你可以找到这样的时间,在你的日程表上作出标志。 yeeyan

Actually sit down and write out a schedule or do it in Google Calendar or what-not. Plan out every hour of every day for the next week or two. Then hold yourself to it.
坐下写一份计划,或者在谷歌日历上做这个工作也行。在下周或下两周中计划好每一天中的每一小时。然后开始按计划行事。 yeeyan

Adding to some organizational document you have stored elsewhere, like a list, chart, or calendar.
添加到你储存在别处的有组织的文档中,例如一份列表、图表,或者日历。 yeeyan

After a week, his calendar alerts him to call the personnel department.
一周之后,他的日历通知他去给人事部门打电话。 infoq

Alternatively, you could add in an“ exclude calendar” interval to cover lunch time.
或者,您可以添加一个“排除日历”间隔以包括午餐时间。 ibm

Clicking the button displays a calendar in a drop down menu, and selecting a date using the mouse enters the corresponding string into the text input field.
点击那个按钮,会在下拉菜单中显示一个日历,然后使用鼠标选择日期,相应的字符串就会输入到本文输入域中。 ibm

For example, you might have a widget that shows you a clock, another with the current weather, and another one for your calendar.
例如,您可能有一个向您显示时钟的小部件,另一个显示当前天气信息,还有一个为您显示日历。 ibm

I have. Which is why I love the concept of this calendar made of matches.
我有过,这就是为什么我喜欢这个由火柴日历概念的原因。 yeeyan

If you’re not ludicrously rich, however, how about a calendar of animal poo so that she can be reminded of how crap she is for the next12 months.
如果你不是富有的可笑,那么,送她一本印有动物粪便的日历怎样?这样就会提醒她未来的12个月将会有多么恶心。 yeeyan

If this sounds like something you might like, pull out a calendar or print one off your computer and start planning out what you want to make for meals each day.
如果着听起来你有什么想法,那么就拿出日历,或者用你的电脑打印一份,然后开始计划在下一段时间里你每天都想吃什么。 yeeyan

If you have events on your calendar that you want to invite others to join, just add their email address under Add Guests within the event.
如果你的日历上有你想邀请其他人加入的事件,你只需在该事件内的“添加访客”下加入他们的邮箱地址即可。 yeeyan

If you want to see all of the details, read the actual calendar entry.
如果您想查看所有细节,可以阅读实际的日程表条目。 ibm

Once logged in, users can switch between day, month, and year views of their calendars calendar views.
登录之后,用户可以在其日历日历视图的日、月和年视图之间切换。 ibm

Tasks, Calendar, Contacts, Notes and Files all in one place.
任务、日历、联系人、笔记和文件都在同一个地方。 yeeyan

The calendar was their system for measuring the beginning, length and order of years.
这个历法是玛雅人衡量年代开始、长度和次序的一套系统。 yeeyan

Then, I have another page that turns that XML back into calendar items.
然后我又有了另外一个页面,能将 XML 转换回日历条目。 ibm

Then track the days when you exercise on a calendar.
那么跟进日历上每一天计划好锻炼的日子。 yeeyan

They appear as added functionality in your mail and calendar and are set up in a document in the local address book much like a POP3 mail server.
它们就像将功能添加到了您的邮件和日历中,并被设置在本地地址簿中的一个文档中,就像一个 POP3邮件服务器一样。 ibm

This field determines where to display the event on the calendar.
该字段决定了在日程表的什么地方显示事件。 ibm

This is rather wasteful, considering the calendar is probably not changing every hour or even every day.
考虑到日历可能不会每个小时或者甚至每天都更改,这样做是非常浪费的。 ibm

This will highlight the entry and help users locate calendar events in the view.
这样可以突出条目,帮助用户在视图中找到日程表事件。 ibm

Which calendar documents are not ghosts?
哪些日历文档不是重影? ibm

You can circle this week on your calendar.
可以在日历上把本周圈点起来。 yeeyan

You could also use your calendar or diary for this.
你也可以使用自己的日历或是日记本来做记录。 kekenet

Calendar is a just what the name would suggest: an application for managing appointments, contacts, events, and the like.
这个日程表和它的名称一样,就是一个管理约定、联系、事件和类似东西的应用程序。 ibm




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