词汇 | 金碧辉煌 |
释义 | 金碧辉煌 辨析金碧辉煌和“富丽堂皇”;都形容建筑物及其中摆设的绚丽。但金碧辉煌偏重在“光辉灿烂;色泽鲜艳”;不能形容“文体”;“富丽堂皇”偏重在“气势盛大;样子宏伟”;并能形容“文体华丽”。 辨析金碧辉煌和“富丽堂皇”;都形容建筑物及其中摆设的绚丽。但金碧辉煌偏重在“光辉灿烂;色泽鲜艳”;不能形容“文体”;“富丽堂皇”偏重在“气势盛大;样子宏伟”;并能形容“文体华丽”。 法文décoration magnifique qui jette un éclat éblouissant 俄文блеск и великолепие 德文voller Glanz und Pracht prachtvoll 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 It's really resplendent and distinct. From the moment you arrive at the stairway to the Neptune Pool until you bid farewell to your guides at the magnificent, golden and blue Roman Pool, you are reminded that a man had a dream. You came here to drink in the grandeur of the Winter Palace, to float down the majestic canals, to be transported to its gilded czarist opulence. They point to a painful reality revealed in India's most recent census: Despite a booming economy and big cities full of luxury cars and glittering malls, the country is failing its girls. Around the main palace building, there are also numerous towers, halls, courtyards, pavilions and mansions, which constitute a splendid and large- scale complex. An incongruous new sight has risen up in the countryside of eastern China: a skyscraper taller than any building in London or Tokyo, topped by what looks very much like a giant, golden disco ball. Some were his constituents, in camouflage caps and T-shirts, gape-mouthed among the gilt and marble, come to talk to him about the problems of Marsh Fork Elementary School or their uncle’s black lung. Hovering in the gilded rooms of the Kremlin like an unwelcome ghost was Putin, whom Obama meets tomorrow for a brief working breakfast. This palace is magnificent. Looking west, across Sisowath blvd, stands the magnificent Royal Palace, uniquely characteristic of Buddhism, though not large, it is so elegant, so demure. Behind many glittering boardrooms lie tales of human misery. |
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