释义 |
金子 jīn zi ☆☆☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰⁰⁷ᴾᵃ¹³⁶⁶⁶ 基本例句 gold 钱,货币,纸币一种商品,如金子或官方发行的铸币或纸币,把这种货币或纸币定为可与其他一切商品、如货物和服务的等价交换物,并用作市场交换价值的尺度A commodity, such as gold, or an officially issued coin or paper note that is legally established as an exchangeable equivalent of all other commodities, such as goods and services, and is used as a measure of their comparative values on the market. 闪闪发光者并非都是金子。All is not gold that glitters. ;闪光的东西不一定是金子。All that glitters is not gold. 她戴了那么多首饰,看上去象是包在金子里似的。She wore so much jewellery that she seemed to be covered in gold. |