词汇 |
野人献曝 |
释义 |
野人献曝 yě rén xiàn pù 常用成语 基本成语故事语法情感出处 〔humb.〕my trivial contribution/present;a peasant offers to teach the monarch how to warm himself in the sun—perform a well-intentioned act but end up by making a fool of oneself野人比喻贡献的不是珍贵的东西。向人建议时的客套话。繁体野人獻曝近义野人奏曝;野人献日战国时期,宋国有一个没有见过世面的农夫,由于家贫终日穿一件粗麻衣,勉强过冬。第二年春天,天气晴朗,他就脱光衣服在太阳下曝晒,觉得十分舒服,由于没有见过漂亮的皮衣和高大的房子,就对妻子说将把这取暖的办法进献给国王。主谓式:作宾语;定语;向人建议时的客套话;中性词。《列子·杨朱》:“自曝于日,不知天下之有广厦隩室,绵纩狐貉。” |
随便看 |
- Receptor 2,Complement
- Receptor 2,Galanin
- Receptor 2,Protease-Activated
- Receptor 4,Melanocortin
- Receptor,5-HT1
- Receptor,5-HT1A
- Receptor,5-HT1A Serotonin
- Receptor,5-HT1B
- Receptor,5-HT1D
- Receptor,5-HT1Dbeta
- Receptor,5-HT2A
- Receptor,5-HT2B
- Receptor,5-HT2C
- Receptor,5-HT3
- Receptor,5-HT3A
- Receptor,5-HT3B
- Receptor,5-HT4
- Receptor,5-HT4L
- Receptor,5-HT4S
- Receptor,5 Hydroxytryptamine 1A
- Receptor,5-Hydroxytryptamine 1A
- Receptor,5 Hydroxytryptamine 1B
- Receptor,5-Hydroxytryptamine 1B
- Receptor,5-Hydroxytryptamine1D
- Receptor,5-Hydroxytryptamine 2B