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词汇 避而不谈
释义 避而不谈 bì ér bù tán 常用成语
draw a veil overdraw a veil over sth.繁体避而不談近义守口如瓶;退避三舍反义口若悬河;滔滔不绝正音“而”,不能读作“ěr”。
法文éviter de toucher ou d'aboider le sujetéluder la question
俄文избегáть разговóра
德文nicht über etwas sprechen wollen einer Frage ausweichen尖锐的矛盾,避而不谈,或加水冲淡了。徐迟《一九五六年〈特写选〉序言》偏正式:作谓语;定语;形容有意避开话题不谈;中性词。徐迟《一九五六年特写选序言》:“尖锐的矛盾,避而不谈,或加水冲淡了。”解释: 对某事故意回避而不肯说。姚雪垠《李自成》二卷三二章:“但人们今天最关心的是练饷。尽管许多人嘴里不谈,心上却挂着这件大事。他们避而不谈,只是怕惹祸罢了。”
李准《黄河东流去》四八章:“为了避免伤心,海老清被饿死的事情,两个人都避而不谈。”近义词 守口如瓶退避三舍存而不论
反义词 滔滔不绝口若悬河无庸讳言
她避而不谈巨额费用问题。She skirted round the problem of the high cost.“他们总是想着那场地震,但又对此避而不谈”,傅医生说。
“ They are always thinking about the earthquake, but they avoid talking about it, ” Dr. Fu says. yeeyan

But that glosses over a long-term structural problem which makes them more of a burden than a benefit to the national economy. ecocn

But that's not the only time that Malik shot his mouth off about bin Laden. yeeyan

At52, Mr Abbott inherits the Liberals' conservative mantle from John Howard, the former prime minister who ignored climate change for most of his11 years in power. topsage

It is much harder to avoid its pollution. yeeyan

Even David Hume, who was influenced quite a lot by Hobbes in various ways hardly mentions him.163

Cunningly, Mr Kan has even referred to LDP’s proposal that the tax should double, to10%, as a“ reference point”, without stating a figure of his own. ecocn

In food circles they talk of nothing else. yeeyan

One subject both leaders avoided was how this tallies with Mr Medvedev’s lament about the weakness of democracy. ecocn

People are so sensitive about gender issues these days that it's almost impossible to talk about what's feminine or masculine without stepping on someone's toes. yeeyan

If people forgive behaviors without talking about them then the forgiveness isn’t meaningful, cautions Francis. yeeyan

He is coy about the extent of his involvement but, apart from paid consultancies, his views are regularly sought by senior figures at the Pentagon and elsewhere in the administration. yeeyan

He had sensed in their last conversation that something was wrong, but when he asks her about it, Teri avoids revealing anything. yeeyan

A CDU- FDP partnership would pull Germany out of recession faster than any other, she insists, though without saying why and she also backs away from several FDP policies. ecocn

What I do tend to eschew is the model where the open source product is limited in functionality in some way, and you have to buy a commercial cousin to get what you really want. infoq

I decided to deviate from my normal discussion of marketing and advertising to discuss a major gift giving holiday. yeeyan

Avoidance leaves the person at risk feeling more alone and perhaps too anxious to risk asking someone else to help. yeeyan

After refusing to comment on their relationship for months, Pattinson finally broke his silence and admitted they were an item. ebigear

What those conflicts might be is another story—which your columnist will be only too happy to write if you send him a large cheque in an envelope marked “personal”. ecocn

He remained peculiarly vague about both his notoriety and his fame, saying nothing about the first and feeling nothing, he insisted, about the second. ecocn

In conversation, it is evident that she chooses gracefully to evade the categories imposed upon her by her captors. yeeyan

If Rust Belt residents notice the irony of inviting Japanese investors back to revive their former colony, they’re not saying it out loud. yeeyan

Asked for their political opinions, most Cubans will respond by rolling their eyes. ecocn




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