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词汇 遥遥领先
释义 遥遥领先 yáo yáo lǐng xiān 常用成语
have a long lead onbe home free繁体遥遥領先近义一马当先反义一落千丈;江河日下;瞠乎其后辨形“遥”,不能写作“谣”;“摇”。辨形“遥”,不能写作“谣”;“摇”。日文はるかトップに立たつ
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德文weit voraus sein我们的队员在比赛中竭尽全力,一路遥遥领先到了终点。偏正式:作谓语;定语;状语;指领先;含褒义。罗来勇《世界在他们眼前展开》:“我们的声誉就是实力--遥遥领先的技术和工艺。”解释: 遥遥:形容距离远。远远地超越同类的人或事物。刘绍棠《小荷才露尖尖角》二:“她不慌不忙,有板有眼,遥遥领先,身后留下一缕淡淡的紫丁香气息。”
金仁顺《芬芳》:“无论是遥遥领先的销售业绩,还是待人接物方面表现出来的得体大方,都使得芬芳具备了竞选主管的资格。”近义词 一马当先反义词 江河日下瞠乎其后一落千丈
她在班上总是遥遥领先。She was always well ahead of the rest of the class.
有一个队已经遥遥领先。One team has already built up a commanding lead.
在学习这些新技术方面,莱斯特将大家抛在后面,遥遥领先。Lester left everybody at the post when it came to learning the new techniques.“八,九年前当我建这个屋顶花园时,我可能是遥遥领先潮流, ”他说。
“ I was probably eight or nine years ahead of the curve when I built this, ” he said. yeeyan

The most popular, by a distance, showed the ratio of the salary of a country’s leader to its GDP per person. ecocn

She is still well ahead on this measure, though. ecocn

The leading countries have been the UK, Argentina, US, Mexico, India, New Zealand and Australia, but the sport is growing quickly in Hungary, Russia, Poland, China and the Middle East. yeeyan

Britain is a world leader in this market, second only to America. ecocn

This could be because investors think Goldman will struggle to sustain the breakneck innovation that keeps it ahead of others. ecocn

Thanks to his popularity in the state, able advisers, engagement to a soap- opera star, and wide media exposure, he is now the front- runner for the PRI's presidential nomination. ecocn

And having built a commanding presence across eastern Europe and in Turkey it would be bizarre for UniCredit to withdraw now. bdza

Mr Pérez was well in the lead even before this week’s events; with the elimination of Ms Torres, who was polling in second place, he faces little serious competition. ecocn

American companies not only control these industries now, but they also will control them for some time because of their large leads in research and development. yeeyan




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