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词汇 遥遥无期
释义 遥遥无期 yáo yáo wú qī 常用成语
in the indefinite future繁体遥遥無期近义旷日持久;天长日荒地老反义指日可待;一朝一夕;弹指之间变体遙遙無期正音“期”,不能读作“jī”。
辨形“期”,不能写作“其”。德文in absehbarer Zukunft nicht realisierbar sein因此工作便十分迁延,武昌城的攻破遥遥无期。 ★郭沫若《革命春秋》二十七偏正式:作谓语;定语;指不知道要到哪一天;含贬义。清 李宝嘉《官场现形记》第27回:“看看前头存在黄胖姑那里银子渐渐花完,只剩得千把两银子,而放缺又遥遥无期。”解释: 遥遥:形容时间长。指与达到目的;实现愿望的时间相距十分遥远。清·崔述《与逯懋如书》:“若待重甥长而后葬,则亡人之得安遥遥无期矣。”
郭宝昌《大宅门》一八:“你看这战乱还有个头吗?这不遥遥无期了吗?”近义词 遥不可及天长日久地老天荒天荒地老旷日持久长此以往久而久之
反义词 为期不远当务之急指日可待稍纵即逝指日可下一朝一夕弹指之间计日程功
我因一直渴望着遥遥无期的事情而倍受折磨。I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.当时,一些美国时事评论员抗议萨科奇要把美国拖入到一场遥遥无期的战争中去,其目的,却是为了其国内总统选举。
Some American commentators at the time protested that he was dragging America into a faraway war for electoral ends. ecocn

For the western Balkans the transition from years of disintegration and war never seems to end. ecocn

The rise of China has been nothing if not the embrace of the maritime world. ecocn

At the G8 summit in Japan last week, the most powerful heads of state agreed to reduce CO2 emissions by 50 per cent by2050, a date noticeably far in the future, though that is something, at least. yeeyan

Still in production with no release date, but hey, if you're the sort who likes to live on the outer fringes of consumer electronics, keep this import in mind. yeeyan

His record on civil liberties provoked protests, public opinion remained divided over emancipation, even Republicans lacked confidence in him, and most important, no end to the war was in sight. yeeyan

一年一度的党派会议下月即将开始。 它实际上标志着一场遥遥无期的政治大选拉开了序幕。
The annual round of party conferences, beginning next month, will in effect mark the launch of a long, long election campaign. ecocn




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