

单词 calcified
释义 cal·ci·fy 英'kælsɪfaɪ美'kælsɪfaɪ ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷²⁸⁴³BNC⁶⁴⁸⁹⁷iWeb³⁶⁵⁹⁶
become impregnated with calcium saltsbecome inflexible and unchanging;

Old folks can calcify

turn into lime; become calcified;

The rock calcified over the centuries

convert into lime;

the salts calcified the rock

近义词 set放置petrify使石化harden使变硬solidify变固体fossilize使成化石反义词 decalcify除去石灰质

用作动词An aortic valve need not be bicuspid tocalcify.主动脉瓣并非是两个瓣叶的才钙化。
Rickets is a disease of children characterized by a failure of the growing bones tocalcifynormally.佝偻病是一种儿童疾病,它的特征是生长中的骨骼不能正常钙化。as in.concrete
同义词 caked,cemented,compact,compressed,congealed,conglomerated,consolidated,dried,firm,indurate,petrified,poured,set,solid,solidified,steeledmonolithic,precast,set in stone,strong,unyielding
反义词 flexible,indefinite,loose,slack,softabstract,bending,ideal,immaterial,intangible,pliableas in.petrified
同义词 fossilized,frozen,ossified,solidified
concreteadjective hardened
caked,cemented,compact,compressed,congealed,conglomerated,consolidated,dried,firm,indurate,monolithic,petrified,poured,precast,set,set in stone,solid,solidified,steeled,strong,unyielding
more concreteadjective hardened
caked,calcified,cemented,compact,compressed,congealed,conglomerated,consolidated,dried,firm,indurate,monolithic,petrified,poured,precast,set,set in stone,solid,solidified,steeled,strong,unyielding
petrifiedadjective hardened
calcified,fossilized,frozen,ossified,solidified A spark flew where the steel bit into the stone man's calcified grey flesh, but his arm tumbled to the deck all the same.
当钢铁咬进石人钙化的灰色肉体时火花四溅,但是他的手臂依旧同时滚落到甲板。 blog.sina.com.cn

Its important to understand various methods to deal with calcified root canal, which may increase the successful rate.
了解各类钙化根管的治疗方法,对提高治疗成功率有重要意义。 chemyq

This is easier said than done, of course, particularly for those of us outside Redmond who don’t have to navigate Microsoft’s calcified bureaucracy.
当然,说的容易做的难,特别是对于我们这些不在硅谷,不用受制于微软顽固的官僚阶级影响的人们。 yeeyan

When the mind is wounded in these ways, it can't settle down comfortably in the present, for it finds itself resting on raw, exposed flesh or calcified knots.
心以这些形式受创之后,就难以安住当下,因为它发现自己停歇之处,不是生疼外露的血肉,就是钙化坚硬的纠结。 dhammatalks

A huge retroperitoneal mass with cystic and calcified areas in the right side of the abdomen.
腹部右方可见一巨大腹膜后腔肿块,伴囊性并钙化区。 medlive

Background Calcified plaque in the coronary arteries is a marker for atheromatous- plaque burden and is predictive of future risk of cardiovascular events.
研究背景:冠状动脉钙化斑是动脉粥样硬化负荷的标志,预示增加心血管事件的风险。 bioon

Coronary thrombosis is now recognized as a diverse process arising from plaque rupture, erosion, or calcified nodules.
目前认为冠状动脉血栓形成起源于破裂性斑块、侵蚀性斑块和钙化结节。 dictall

Cost- effectiveness in the laboratory: should we examine hernia sacs or calcified heart valves?
实验室中的成本效益:我们应该检验疝气囊或钙化心瓣膜吗? dictall

CT scan showed punctuate calcified foci with circular infarcts of low density beside them in single or bilateral basal ganglia.
CT扫描显示在一侧或双侧基底节区点或片状钙化,其附近存在类圆形点或片状低密度灶。 cnki

Diagnostic accuracy may be enhanced by combining assessment of calcified plaque burden and contrast imaging.
通过钙化斑块负荷和造影剂管腔显像结合可增加诊断的准确性。 cnki

From these calcified growth rings, we can find out the evolution of the earth.
从这钙华年轮上,我们就可以看出地球的变迁。 blog.sina.com.cn

Objective To evaluate MRI signal variances of intracranial calcification and the sensitivity of MRI in detecting calcified lesions.
目的探讨颅内钙化的 MRI信号变化和 MRI对钙化病灶的检出敏感性。 cnki

Objective: This research aimed to study clinical management of fine or calcified root canals in the aged patients.
目的:探讨老年患者细小钙化根管的治疗方法和临床疗效。 cnki

Older adults who have plaque build-up have a much harder battle, especially if the plaque has calcified.
而对于已形成动脉粥样硬化斑块的老年人来说,尤其是那些斑块已经钙化的人,需要与疾病长期斗争。 dxy

Results The representing anomaly calcified shade among the parenchyma in the sinus is the characteristic representation of mycosis of sinus.
结果:大多数病例表现为窦腔软组织内散在不规则钙化密度影、单独存在的骨质增生硬化。 chemyq

Subependymal giant cell tumors are frequently calcified, appear heterogeneous on CT and MR scans, and show intense but inhomogeneous enhancement following contrast administration.
室管膜下巨细胞瘤常常钙化,在 CT和 MR上均不均匀。增强检查明显强化但是不均匀。 med66

Subependymal lesions:127 calcified nodules were found on CT.
室管膜下病灶: CT发现钙化结节127个。 cnki

The process of corpuscle involution from atrophy to disappearance are as follows: concentration, degeneration, fusion, cystic disintegration and calcified disintegration.
对胸腺小体的萎缩消失过程:小体集中、变性、多个融合、囊性变解体与钙化解体消失进行了讨论。 cnki

Two of her three main coronary arteries were calcified, a marker of atherosclerosis.
她三条冠状动脉主干中的两条都钙化了,这是动脉硬化的标志。 yeeyan




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