

单词 calcification
释义 cal·ci·fi·ca·tion 英ˌkælsəfɪˈkeɪʃən美ˌkælsəfɪˈkeʃənAHDkăl'sə-fĭ-kāʹshən 高COCA⁵⁵⁴³⁸BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb²²⁸⁷⁵

a process that impregnates something with calcium or calcium saltstissue hardened by deposition of lime saltsan inflexible and unchanging state;

the calcification of negotiations

词根词缀: -calc-钙 + -i- + -fic-做,作 + -ation名词词尾pathologic calcification病理性钙化calcification centre钙化中心calcification of larynx喉钙化ectopic calcification异位性钙化pleural calcification胸膜钙化calcification of gallbladder胆囊钙化cartilaginous calcification软骨钙化calcification of pancreas胰腺钙化placental calcification胎盘钙化calcification zone钙化带diffuse calcification弥漫性钙化dystrophic calcification营养不良性钙化…provisional calcification暂时钙化软骨基质钙…coronary artery calcification冠状动脉钙化…egg-shell calcification蛋壳样钙化

用作名词Most bicuspid valves are prone tocalcification.大部分瓣叶容易钙化。
Calcification proportion was high in benign SPN.钙化在良性结节中比例较高。as in.solidification
同义词 coagulation,concretion,crystallization,fossilization,freezing,ossification,petrification,setting,solidifying,stiffeningcasehardening
solidificationnoun hardening
casehardening,coagulation,concretion,crystallization,fossilization,freezing,ossification,petrification,setting,solidifying,stiffening Of the mummies who had died when they were older than45,7 of8 had calcification and thus atherosclerosis while only2 of8 of those dying at an earlier age had calcification.
在死亡年龄为45岁以上的8具木乃伊中,有7具都观察到的钙化和粥样硬化,而在较为年轻的8具木乃伊中,只有2具观察到了动脉壁钙化。 yeeyan

The adult- onset condition is associated with progressive and painful arterial calcification affecting the lower extremities, yet spares patients' coronary arteries.
成人发病条件与进展性的和疼痛性的下肢动脉钙化有关,而不是患者的冠状动脉。 medlive

The dense white nodules of calcification are present on either valve surface.
在瓣膜的表面可见密集的白色钙化灶。 binglixue

We hypothesized that women with hot flashes would show reduced flow-mediated dilation and greater coronary artery and aortic calcification compared with women without hot flashes.
对比没有烘热症状的妇女,伴有烘热症状的妇女显示较低流量介导的扩张以及更严重的冠脉和主动脉钙化。 mdchome

A total of358 patients with severe aortic stenosis, a heart disease characterized by obstruction of the aortic valve due to calcification, participated in the trial.
总计358名伴严重主动脉瓣狭窄特征为因钙化主动脉瓣梗阻的一种心脏病患者参加了这项实验。 dxy

Collagenous fibrils appeared various kinds of degeneration including fusion, twist and calcification. There were gaps between the collagen bundles.
胶原原纤维发生不同程度的变性、融合、扭结或钙化,胶原纤维束间裂隙增大。 cnki

Conclusion CT is superior in displaying physical characteristics, calcification of inferior vena cava and collateral vessels outside liver, playing an important role in Budd- Chiari syndrome.
结论 CT在显示肝脏形态、下腔静脉钙化及肝外侧支循环等方面有优势,在诊断布-加综合征上有较大的价值。 cnki

Coronary artery calcification CAC is an important characteristic of coronary heart disease CHD, which is also an earlier sign of atherosclerosis.
冠状动脉钙化 CAC是冠状动脉粥样硬化形成的早期特征,是冠心病 CHD的重要特点。 cnki

CT demonstrates the calcification, and the “ scalloped” ventricular wall can also be seen well with T1-weighted MR.
CT显示脑室壁有钙化改变,磁共振 T1加权像上可清楚看到“干贝样”变化。 iciba

Grossly, the tumors were fish-meat like appearance, mixed with hard cartilages, broken bone and calcification.
肿瘤大体呈鱼肉状,并混有质硬的软骨、碎骨或钙化组织。 cnki

High blood calcium levels are linked to calcification hardening of the arteries, which may also help to explain these results.
高血钙水平导致动脉钙化硬化这一点可能也有助于解释这些结果。 yeeyan

In severe cases, it can cause changes to bone structure, calcification of ligaments, and crippling effects.
情况严重者,还可能导致骨骼结构变化,韧带钙化以及致残等后果。 who

Larger, coarser areas of calcification may be caused by aging or by a benign condition such as fibroadenoma, a common noncancerous tumor of the breast.
更大的、大颗粒的钙化区域可能是变老所致,或者某种良性疾病——如纤维性瘤、一块普通的非癌变乳房肿瘤——引起的。 yeeyan

Perhaps this is a cause of extra- skeletal calcification, a painful and debilitating condition in which a kind of ' bone' forms in body areas such as tendons.
也许这是导致骨骼外钙化一种骨物质如腱在人体内形成导致疼痛和虚弱的情况的一个原因。 dxy

Punctate intratumoral calcification and hyperostosis of the turbinate bones and adjacent sinus walls have also been reported.
斑点状的瘤内钙化和鼻甲骨及邻近窦壁的肥厚也见于文献报道。 dxyer

Some mummies had calcification in up to6 different arteries.
有些木乃伊钙化的部位竟多达6处。 yeeyan

Studies of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef show that levels of calcification are down, though it is not yet possible to say changes in chemistry are a reason for this.
尽管还不知道海水化学成分的变化是否是原因之一,对澳大利亚大堡礁的研究显示,珊瑚礁钙化的速度在下降。 ecocn

The survivors had many defects which included eczema, calcification of tissues, anatomical defects, neuroses and abnormalities in neuromuscular co-ordination.
而生还者有着很多缺点,包括湿疹,组织生灰化,解剖过失,神经肌肉的多脉和畸形。 yeeyan

They were able to identify the hearts, arteries or both in16 of the mummies, nine of whom had deposits of calcification.
他们在16具木乃伊身上辨别出了心脏或动脉,也有的两者都得到了确认。其中九具存在心血管的钙化现象。 putclub

We recently demonstrated in vivo that inflammation triggers cardiovascular calcification.
最近我们证明了在活体内炎症触发了心血管钙化。 hulan8.com




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