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词汇 calc
释义 calc.
Eocene lavas belong to high K Calc alkalineHK CA series and those of Miocene to shoshoniteSHO series.
渐新世火山岩为高钾钙碱性系列,中新世岩石属于钾玄岩系。 cnki

The author describes principal formulas and its methods of noise calc- laticn.
文中介绍了它们的原理,公式和计算方法。 cnki

The bulk of the Ruby class Calc uses Ruby's metaprogramming features to define functions at run time for all the digit keys and for the math operation keys.
大多数 Ruby类 Calc使用 Ruby的元编程功能,在运行时为所有数字键和数学操作键定义功能。 ibm

The former represent the formation ages of the ultrapotassic volcanic series and calc- alkali volcanic- subvolcanic series, while the latter represent the age of regional metamorphism.
前两者代表超钾质火山岩系及钙碱性火山一次火山岩系形成时代,后者反映区域变质作用时代。 cnki

The specification of the CALC attribute contains the fact that the XML contains calculated elements.
CALC属性的规范包含这样一个事实,即 XML包含了计算过的元素。 ibm

The calc lations of cascade density and maximum angle of casting were derived, and it was considered that cascade density was related to material property.
推导料幕密度的计算式和抄板最大撒料角的计算式,并认为料幕密度与物料性质有关。 cnki

By calculating the calc- alkali index CA and alumina saturation index ASI, the magma types of the granites can be roughly determined.
通过钙碱指数 CA和铝饱和指数 ASI的计算,可以大体获知花岗岩的岩浆类型。 ebigear

Display actual imputed cost calc.
显示实际估算成本计算。 kuenglish

Display plan imputed cost calc.
显示计划估算成本。 kuenglish

Figure2 shows a sample Calc document.
图2显示了一个简单的 Calc文档。 ibm

For Calc, you can download savings calculators, budget tables, balance sheets, and other templates.
对于 Calc,您可以下载储蓄计算器、预算表格、资产负债表和其他模板。 ibm

Fuel oil consumption for transportation ships— Calc.
运输船舶燃油消耗量——海洋船舶计算方法。 kuenglish

Like Write, Calc provides features and functions eminently obvious, and yet also vital to the usability of the office.
与 Write类似, Calc也提供了一些不同寻常的特性和功能,它们对于办公软件的适用性也非常重要。 ibm

Maintain actual imputed cost calc.
维护实际估算成本计算。 kuenglish

Maintain plan imputed cost calc.
维护计划估算成本。 kuenglish

More importantly, the DSL is entirely hidden away behind the Calc class as a facade, meaning that it's as trivial to call from Java code as it is from Scala.
更重要的是, DSL完全隐藏在 Calc类后面,这意味着从 Java代码调用它与从 Scala调用它一样简单。 ibm

Notice how here the fact that we added exponentiation to the system has been done in effectively six lines of code with zero surface change to the rest of the Calc class.
注意,这里我们只使用6行代码就有效地向系统添加了求幂运算,同时没有对 Calc类进行任何表面更改。 ibm

Now click the CALC icon in the menu bar, then click OK.
现在单击钙图标在菜单栏中,然后单击确定。 diybl

On this basis, the paper points out that the calc- alkaline magmatic rock is the product formed by contamination of mantle derived magma with continental crust consolidated1600m.
在此基础上提出; 本区钙碱性岩浆岩系由地慢岩浆与1600百万年前固结的大陆地壳混熔作用形成的岩浆产物。 cnki

Run actual imputed cost calc.
运行实际估算成本计算。 kuenglish

The deposit is contained in the predominantly calc- silicate upper part of the corella formation.
矿床位于科雷拉岩系上部主要为钙质-硅酸盐类的岩层中。 kuenglish

The Fogang granitoid complex is the largest Late Mesozoic batholith in Nanling region, and the Wushi diorite- hornblende gabbros are the most basic end- member of Fogang calc- alkaline series rocks.
佛冈花岗杂岩体是南岭地区最大的晚中生代岩基,乌石闪长岩角闪辉长岩是佛冈钙碱性系列花岗岩中最基性的端员。 cnki

The most common mathematical tools found in UNIX workstations take the form of calculators and more advanced spreadsheet programs, such as GNU Calc.
UNIX工作站中存在的最常用数学工具以计算器和更高级的电子表格程序如 GNU Calc的形式出现。 ibm

The spider diagram of trace element ratio and the REE distribution patterns show the characteristics of the island arc calc alkaline series.
微量元素比值蛛网图和稀土元素配分型式具有岛弧钙碱性玄武岩的特征。 cnki

Thus, in this sample execution, all of the code blocks that define a strategy on the fly can still act like formal concrete classes that implement the Calc interface.
这样,在本例中,动态定义战略的所有代码块仍可作为正式具体类,实现 Calc接口。 ibm

Within Calc, you also have access to other functions used to format and organize your information.
在 Calc中,您还可以使用其他一些用于格式化和组织信息的功能。 ibm

Xiyingzi granite-body in Guyang area, Inner Mongolia, belongs to calc- alkaline series, bearing the characteristics of island arc affinity.
内蒙古固阳地区西营子花岗岩体属于钙碱性系列,具有岛弧花岗岩的特征。 dictall

Yinshan volcanic subvolcanic rocks belong to the high potassium calc alkali series.
银山火山岩次火山岩属于高钾钙碱性系列。 cnki




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