

单词 cake
释义 cake 英keɪk美kekAHDkāk ★★★☆☆常小中高四研牛4COCA³⁰⁷⁸BNC²⁹⁶⁶iWeb²¹⁸⁹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺


sweet food that you make from flour, eggs, sugar and butter and bake in the oven

C饼状食物; 块状物

other food mixture cooked in a round flat shape; shaped or hardened mass of substance

a block of solid substance such as soap or wax;

a bar of chocolate

small flat mass of chopped foodbaked goods made from or based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat
form a coat over;

Dirt had coated her face

来自PIE *gog,圆块,块状,词源同cog, cudgel.原指圆块状的物体或块状面包,而非现在所理解的蛋糕。与cook同词源性已被否定。
用作名词 n.
动词+~eat cake吃蛋糕make cake做蛋糕名词+~birthday cake生日蛋糕chocolate cake巧克力蛋糕fish cake鱼糜饼potato cake马铃薯饼介词+~a piece of cake一块蛋糕,容易〔轻松〕的事~+介词a cake of soap一块肥皂
故事记忆山里有只 Snake蛇不知什么 Sake缘由一天突然 Wake苏醒赶快爬出 Lake湖水口里咬着 Cake蛋糕尾巴不停 Quake发抖农夫抛下 Rake耙子杀死剥皮 Bake烤这是一个 Mistake错误小学英语速记音律记忆:这块cake蛋糕,需要bake烘烤非常记忆ca擦+ke可⇒把蛋糕擦到可乐瓶上近义词 bunrolltartpastry
用作名词n.The cake we made was somewhat of a failure.我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
The cake ought to be good—I used the best ingredients.蛋糕应该是好的——我用了最好的配料。
She is making cakes.她在烤饼。
He ate the whole cake and drank all the tea.他吃了整块的蛋糕并喝了所有的茶。
“Jane is crying for some more cakes in the kitchen.”“Yes, but her little brother doesn't do so.”“简正在厨房里哭着还想要一些蛋糕。”“是的,但她的小弟弟却没有哭着要。”
Mother bought three cakes of soap yesterday.妈妈昨天买了三块肥皂。Poatcaken.燕麦饼Pgirdlecaken.烘饼Pcupcaken.杯形蛋糕Pfriedcaken.油炸饼Phoecaken.锄头玉米饼Pbride-caken.喜饼礼饼Pcake-eatern.花花公子Pcream-caken.奶油蛋糕Pcakeya.成了块的凝固了的Twelfth-caken.主显节糕饼; Pfruitcaken.掺有干果的糕饼Ppancaken.薄烤饼薄煎饼烙饼Pcheese-caken.乳酪饼干酪蛋糕Pseedcaken.撒有芳香种子的糕饼Pcheesecaken.干酪饼半裸体的女人照片Pcakewalkn.步态竞赛阔步舞vi.举行步态竞赛Pshortcaken.厚的奶油酥饼脆饼水果松糕松饼



cake作“糕,糕饼”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。“一块蛋糕”常用a piece of cake来表示。作“饼状食物”“块状物”解时,一般只用作可数名词。

cake还可用作单位词,意思是“块”,其后接of表示数量。修饰不可数名词表示复数意义时, cake须用其复数形式cakes。

用作名词He passed me one fifth of thecake.他递给我五分之一个蛋糕。
I often bake chocolatecakeby myself.我喜欢自己培巧克力蛋糕。noun.bar of something
同义词 loafblock,brick,lump,mass,slab
blocknoun mass of material
confectionnoun sweet food
confectionsnoun sweet food
congealverb coagulate
cake,clabber,clot,concrete,condense,curdle,dry,freeze,gel,gelate,gelatinate,gelatinize,glob up,harden,indurate,jell,jellify,jelly,refrigerate,set,solidify,stiffen,thicken
dessertnoun sweet treat
cake,candy,confection,cookie,frozen dessert,frozen treat,fruit,ice cream,last course,pastry,pie,pudding,sweet,sweet course,tart
gobnoun lump
agglomeration,ball,bit,block,bulge,bulk,bump,bunch,cake,chip,chunk,clod,clump,cluster,crumb,dab,group,growth,handful,hunch,hunk,knot,knurl,lot,morsel,mountain,much,nugget,part,peck,piece,pile,portion,protrusion,protuberan The piece of cake I got was almost the largest.
我得到的蛋糕差不多是最大的一块。 ebigear

Then he touched the coffee cake.
然后,他触摸了下咖啡蛋糕。 yeeyan

Would you like some cake?
你想来点蛋糕吗? hxen

Another inedible creation before we conclude the2 weeks wedding cake chapter of my pastry course.
另外一个不能吃的创造在我们结束了2周结婚蛋糕章我的糕点课程。 yeeyan

Good cake tends to make everyone pig out, so why not go with the flow?
好的蛋糕让大家变得跟猪一样所以为什么不跟着潮流走呢? yeeyan

He passed me one fifth of the cake.
他递给我五分之一个蛋糕。 ebigear

He tasted of the cake.

He told me that in the dream his wife brought him his favorite cake— but it was stale and had some poison in it.
他告诉我说,在这个梦境中,他太太给他带来了他最爱的蛋糕——但看起来并不新鲜而且还有毒。 yeeyan

I remember sitting on my bedroom floor eating cake and pudding sauce with my ex.
我记得我有一次和前男友坐在卧室的地板上吃蛋糕和布丁酱。 yeeyan

If only he could have held back his childhood for another year, avoided that chocolate cake, all of his dreams would have come true.
要是他能把自己的童年推迟哪怕一年也好,别去贪恋什么巧克力蛋糕,那他的预言和美梦恐怕都能一一如愿。 yeeyan

If I may say no, this chocolate cake you make is fantastic.
如果要我说的话,你做的这只巧克力蛋糕棒极了。 kekenet

If such contractual arrangements are really just as good as marriage, then what is a wedding good for, other than cake?
如果这些契约性的协议真的像婚姻一样美好,那么除了蛋糕,婚礼对什么是有用的呢? yeeyan

If you don't know why you're about to eat cake like that you will soon, but you know this.

In fact, I love my age, because every single birthday means more than just presents and chocolate cake.
事实上,我爱我的年龄,因为每一个生日不仅仅意味着礼物和巧克力蛋糕。 edu.sina.com.cn

It is now my birthday. In the US, we have a tradition that when you blow out the candles on your birthday cake, you should make a wish.
今天是我的生日.在美国,有这样一个传统:当你吹灭生日蛋糕上的蜡烛的时候,就可以许一个愿望. iask.edu.sina.com.cn

It was as if the cake could read my mind, and at that point gave up entirely.
这个蛋糕好像懂我的心思似的,所以在开始的那个阶段完全放弃了自己。 yeeyan

My diet requires that all the food I eat come from one of the four“ basic food groups”: chocolate cake, ice cream, soda, and cheesecake.
我的日常饮食要求吃的所有食物都必须属于四种基本的食物:巧克力蛋糕、冰激凌、汽水饮料和芝士蛋糕。 ibm

One of his comrades grabbed the breakfast cake.
它的一名同志抢过我的早餐蛋糕。 yeeyan

Perhaps the most painful part of any business relationship is dividing up the cake between partners.
在所有商业关系中,最让人痛苦的或许是合伙人之间分蛋糕的事情。 robertafnani.com

She’ll eat cake as long as we let her.
她会不停地吃蛋糕,如果我们不阻止她的话。 yeeyan

She scorched the cake.

Such treaties begin with, but soon go far beyond, the jolly exchange of pie at Thanksgiving for cake on birthdays.
这样的协议一开始,就广泛的流传开来,为了生日时的蛋糕在感恩节交换派的快乐。 yeeyan

That is better than cutting it like a cake, because deep slices cause resentment among the sliced and complacency elsewhere.
这比像切蛋糕一样切更好,因为一刀切只能引起个个部分的怨恨和个别自满的情绪。 ecocn

The child screamed for a cake.

There was only one piece of cake, but we cut it in two.

We got you a cake to welcome you to our house.
为了欢迎你来我们家,我们为你准备了一个蛋糕。 ebigear




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