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词汇 caixin
释义 caixinEconomist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
“ Fiery Lawyer Puts China's Judiciary on Trial, ” wrote the liberal magazine Caixin.
开明杂志《财新》发表文章《愤怒的律师把中国司法送上审判台》。 ecocn

According to Caixin, the tour guides, who should later have paid in full for the tickets, colluded with the guards to shortchange the museum and split the profits.
据财新报道,导游应该为其所有游客门票交全款,却和门卫合谋欺骗以分得赃款。 yeeyan

According to Caixin, local officials would take“ illegal children” and pack them off to orphanages where they were put up for adoption.
根据财新杂志报道:当地计生委官员会“接走”“非法育儿”,并把他们带到孤儿院,等着被领养。 ecocn

According to Caixin online, a Chinese website specialized in finance, the compound annual growth rate of overseas investment by Chinese individuals approached100% between2008 and2010.
据中国一家专业财经网站——财新在线的数据,2008年至2010年,中国个人海外投资的年复合增长率接近100%; yeeyan

As of last month, dozens of those who resigned had already started working at what several said were Caixin’s new offices.
到上个月为止,许多辞职的人已经开始在众人所称的《财新》的新办公室工作了。 yeeyan

In fierce market competition, Caixin keep improving steadily with the guide“ survived by quality, faith achieved by service, market obtained by competition, profits gotten by management”.
面对激烈的市场竞争,公司在“以质量求生存、以服务求信誉、以竞争求市场、以管理求效益”的方针指导下稳步发展。 qqcg

In an interview, Caixin asked Lagarde to comment specifically on Europe’s current debt woes, the IMF’s role in fixing them, and what China can do to help.
在一次采访中,财新网请拉加德具体谈论欧洲债务危机、世界货币基金组织在解决危机中的作用以及中国能作出什么帮助。 yeeyan

It was later removed from Caixin’s website and also disappeared from several others that had reposted it.
后来这篇文章从《财经》网站上删除,同时从转载该文的其它若干网站上删掉。 yeeyan

Staffers were told on Monday that they had until Wednesday to decide whether they wanted to leave to join Caixin, which will be a weekly magazine.
员工们周一被告知,他们必须在周三之前决定是否要辞职一起去《财新》共事,《财新》将是一份周刊。 yeeyan

Thus Yuan Chaoren, a villager from Longhui county in Hunan province, describing in Caixin magazine the behaviour of family- planning bureaucrats.
来自湖南省隆回县的村民袁超仁音向《财新》杂志这样描述计划生育官员们的行为。 yeeyan

Yi made the remarks in an interview with Caixin's China Reform magazine.
易纲在接受财新传媒旗下的《中国改革》杂志采访时发表以上言论。 yeeyan

Caixin says that senior executives at all three state-owned telecoms firms have been ordered to hand in their passports, lest they attempt to flee the country.
Caixin报道说,三大电信企业的高级主管已经被要求交出他护照,以免他们潜逃到国外。 yeeyan




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