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词汇 cahoots
释义 ca·hoots 英kəˈhuːts美kəˈhutsAHDkə-h›tsʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵²²⁵⁶BNC⁶⁶⁷¹⁰Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
名词 cahoot:
collusion可能来自cohort的变体。co-, 强调,-hort, 同yard, 院子,同伴。cahoot合谋go into cahoots均分go cahoots均分in cahoots共谋go in cahoots均分
The two friends decided to go incahootsin business by buying a candy store together.这两位朋友决定一起购买一家糖果店来合伙经营。
The mayor's enemies spread a rumor that he was incahootswith gangsters.市长的仇人散布谣言说,市长与歹徒暗自勾结。
An accountant incahootswith organized crime.一个与犯罪组织相勾结的会计noun.conspiracy
同义词 alliance,collusion,league,partnership
affiliationnoun association with an organization
alliance,amalgamation,banding together,bunch,clan,coalition,combination,confederation,conjunction,connection,crew,crowd,gang,hookup,incorporation,joining,league,merging,mob,outfit,partnership,relationship,ring,syndicate,tie-in,union
affiliationsnoun association with an organization
alliances,amalgamations,banding togethers,bunches,cahoots,clans,coalitions,combinations,confederations,conjunctions,connections,crews,crowds,gangs,hookups,incorporations,joinings,leagues,mergings,mobs,outfits,partnerships,relationships,rings,syndicates,tie-ins,unions
collusionnoun secret understanding, often with intent to defraud
bait and switch,bill of goods,bunco,cahoots,complicity,con game,connivance,conspiracy,craft,deceitdiddlingdodge,double-cross,fast shuffle,flam,flimflam,fradulent artifice,graft,guilt,guiltiness,gyp,intrigue,plot,racket,scam,scheme,shell game,skunk,sting,trick,whitewash
combinationnoun alliance, association
Mafia,affiliation,bloc,cabal,cahoots,camarilla,cartel,circle,clique,club,coadunation,coalition,combine,compound,confederacy,confederation,conjunction,connection,consolidation,consortium,conspiracy,coterie,faction,federation,gang,guild,hookup,melding,mergence,merger,merging,partnership,party,pool,ring,set,syndicate,tie up,trust,unification,union
combinationsnoun alliance, association
aggregates,amalgam,amalgamations,blendings,brews,coalescence,combos,composites,compounds,connections,consolidations,everything but kitchen sinks,fusions,junctions,medleys,mergers,miscellanies,mishmashes,mixes,olios,orders,sequences,solutions,soups,stews,successions,syntheses,unification,unions
conjunctionnoun combination
affiliation,agreement,alliance,association,cahoots,coincidence,concomitance,concurrence,congruency,conjointment,hookup,juxtaposition,parallelism,partnership,tie up,union His unit is now investigating more skulduggery at the department of public works, where suppliers, in cahoots with officials, were found to be charging wildly inflated prices.
特别调查协会正在调查公共事业部门的欺诈行为,已发现供货商和官员存在相互勾结、哄抬物价的行为。 ecocn

In cahoots with private developers and companies, it is they who are producing conditions resembling the “ satanic mills” of early industrial England.
它们与私营业主及公司伙同起来,炮制出类似于英国工业革命早期“撒旦作坊”般的工作环境。 ecocn

Mr Mugabe would struggle to see off a big revolt within his ZANU-PF, especially if it were in cahoots with the opposition Movement for Democratic Change MDC.
穆加贝总统会奋力解除自己本党内的一个大的反叛,特别是能与反对党“民主变革运动 MDC”合谋。 ecocn

The local gossip is that Battulga is in cahoots with the Russians.
当地的小道消息是, Battulga和俄罗斯人相互勾结。 yeeyan

Were my friends in cahoots with the teahouse?
我的朋友们是不是跟茶馆串通好了? bachinese

And it is in cahoots with the cellphone, which probably is resentful because it is not allowed to spend its time doing the things cellphones really enjoy, like talking to Trent Lott.
这个烤箱和手机狼狈为奸。手机的不爽之处在于它不能做每个手机都能享受的事情,比如打电话给特伦特罗特。 yeeyan

I'm afraid our accountant may be in cahoots with the underworld boss.
我恐怕我们的会计可能和黑社会勾结。 hjenglish

In Islamabad, Prime Minister Yousuf Gilani lashed out at the United States, calling it “ disingenuous” to believe that Pakistan could have been “ in cahoots” with al Qaeda.
而在伊斯兰堡,总理优素福吉拉尼则抨击美国,称如果美国相信巴基斯坦与基地组织“同流合污”,就是“没有诚意”的表现。 yeeyan

In the past the choices might have been made by Mr Sarkozy and Germany's Angela Merkel, maybe in cahoots with Britain's Gordon Brown.
如果在过去这些职务的人选可能已经由萨科奇,德国的默克尔或许再加上个英国的布朗这三人密谋决定了。 yeeyan

In cahoots with the politicians, these giant firms are indeed ripping off the middle class and poorer Americans.
这些巨头企业与政客合谋,确实在剥削美国的中产阶级和穷人。 yeeyan

Outright seizures of firms by criminal raiders, usually in cahoots with security or justice officers, are frequent.
犯罪分子经常伙同公共安全或司法官员公开地夺取一些公司。 iciba

Since the middle of last year, police have arrested more than 1,000 people and to date have prosecuted782, including87 government officials allegedly in cahoots with the criminals.
从2009年中期以来,警方已经逮捕了1000多人,对其中782人提起了公诉,根据起诉书的指控,782人中87名系与犯罪分子勾结的官员。 ecocn

Some of the new employees are in cahoots with each other.

Such incidents suggested that the national election commission and the NCP were in cahoots.
这些事件表明国家选举委员会和全国大会党是一伙的。 ecocn

That is, the bad Jews who have violated the Torah will be in cahoots with Antiochus.

The mayor's enemies spread a rumor that he was in cahoots with gangsters.
市长的仇人散布谣言说,市长与歹徒暗自勾结。 websaru

The US claimed Afghan prison official were incompetent, corrupt, and in cahoots with Taliban.
美国人骂阿富汗监狱的官员是一群废物,他们腐败无能,而且与塔利班沆瀣一气。 yeeyan

The exploration cutting in from“ gold” and“ sexual passion” makes her plunge into a kind of historical cahoots absurd.
以“黄金”与“情欲”为切入点的发掘让她陷入了一种与历史合谋的悖谬之中; cnki

There are conspiracy theorists who believe the government and big business are in cahoots to keep the country tethered to the gas pump.
有阴谋论者相信政府和大企业在谋划着将这个国家困在燃气泵的范围内。 yeeyan

Two participants, one of whom was again in cahoots with the investigator, sat in the same room and were asked to complete what appeared to be an academic test.
两名参加者坐在同一个屋子里被要求完成看起来是一个学术测验的东西,其中一人依然是和实验者安排的。 ecocn

Worse, suspicions that the ISI, or at least some of its officers, are still in cahoots with their jihadist enemies persist.
更糟糕的是,有关巴三军情报部门或至少它的一些官员同圣战分子合谋的怀疑一直没消除。 ecocn

Yet some armies such as that in Maguindanao are in cahoots with the police or the army.
尚有些军队像有 Maguindanao的是来自警察和军队的同伙。 ecocn




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