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词汇 近水楼台
释义 近水楼台 jìn shuǐ lóu tái 常用成语
enjoy the benefits of a favourable positionthe advantage of being in a favoured position繁体近水樓台近义靠山吃山;靠水吃水反义隔岸观火变体近水樓臺;近水楼台先得月辨形“近”,不能写作“进”。辨形“近”,不能写作“进”。谜语渟;望江亭;滕王高阁临江者
俄文находиться в выгодных условиях
德文an der Quelle sitzen他的表兄调任了,调到他去年教课的那所中学校来当校长了。近水楼台,自然容易得月。叶圣陶《得失》宋仁宗时期,杭州知府范仲淹脾气温和,与手下人同甘共苦,很多人得到他的关心与推荐提拔,有一个外地巡检苏麟到杭州办事,送范仲淹一首诗:“近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春”,范仲淹明白他的意思就给了他想要的东西。偏正式:作主语;宾语;定语;指优先;含贬义。宋·俞文豹《清夜录》:“范文正公镇钱塘,兵官皆被荐,独巡检苏麟不见录,乃献诗云:‘近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易逢春。’”;宋 俞文豹《清夜录》:“范文正公镇钱塘,兵官皆被荐,独巡检苏麟不见录,乃献诗云:‘近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易逢春。’”近义词 先睹为快靠水吃水靠山吃山近水楼台先得月…
反义词 鞭长莫及如臂使指
Those in demand for the city's development, such as experienced nannies or graduates in bio- engineering, are likely to benefit first, Xiao said. yuloo

The near water balcony get a month first, the market is in the underneath of our eyelid, why could not see? veryeast

Animation and Toys, who got them?

母公司 AMR需要一个价值数亿美元的新计算机系统, Sabre则近水楼台先得月。
Parent AMR Corp. wanted a new computer system that could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and Sabre had the inside track. yeeyan

目前,银联在国内重点省市均设有分支机构,在境外61个国家和地区有合作伙伴,这都是 CHINAPAY的“近水楼台”。
At present, China UinonPay has branches in all the key provinces and cities of China, and has established partnership in61 overseas countries, those are all the strengths of CHINAPAY. transcn

Others let low-scoring children sit near—and copy from—higher- scoring ones. ecocn

If I have a lactating daughter, why not take advantage of her? yeeyan

Smells, you will feel a bit fragrant charm proximity basis.

It is too early to be sure if the distinguishing feature of the21st century will be biological technology, but there is a good chance that it will be. ecocn

因此,高盛似乎有近水楼台的优势来承销 Facebook的 IPO发行。
As a result, Goldman would seem to have an inside track to underwriting Facebook's public offering. fortunechina

Therefore, for the Northern Gulf, who positioned as the bridgehead of China's exports to ASEAN. Has a geographical advantage of enjoying the benefits of a favorable position. cen

Yale, in particular, has a first- mover advantage; by being an early investor in private equity it was able to get access to the best- managed funds. ecocn

Recent research by the King’s Fund, a think-tank, found that hospitals solicited GP referrals at the edges of their geographical catchment areas. ecocn

作为华尔街日报“财富”栏目的专栏作家, Frank独享一个近水楼台的视角,以报道镀金的21世纪初和余晖黯淡的后来。
As the wealth correspondent of the Wall Street Journal, Mr Frank has enjoyed a unique vantage point to report on the gilded early21st century, and its aftermath. ecocn




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