词汇 |
迂涂 |
释义 |
迂涂 yū tú拼音:yū tú注音:ㄧㄩㄊㄨˊ亦作“迂涂”。亦作“迂涂”。 1.曲折的途径。其次迂涂。汉扬雄《太玄·羡》范望注:“迂涂,曲萦之貌也。”径莫便於捷,而又莫妙於迂。凡有故作迂途,以取别致者,必另开耳门一扇,以便家人之奔走。清李渔《闲情偶寄·居室·房舍》严复且客谓西学为迂涂,则所谓速化之术者,又安在耶?《救亡决论》2. 绕道。春间远劳迂途枉顾,问怔惓惓,此情何可当也。明王守仁《答聂文蔚书》 ﹝石某﹞恐妇闻知,遂避德州道,迂途履任。清蒲松龄《聊斋志异·武孝廉》迂塗 |
随便看 |
- Oh,yes.What about the time for departure?
- Oh, yes.What about the time for departure
- Oh,yes,yes,much higher levels to go to
- Oh, yes, yes, much higher levels to go to
- Oh Yong-un
- Oh,you both better beg for mercy,sucka!
- oh, you both better beg for mercy, sucka
- Oh,you can sleep in one of the spare rooms
- Oh, you can sleep in one of the spare rooms
- Oh,you can walk it within ten minutes
- Oh, you can walk it within ten minutes
- Oh,you flatter me
- Oh, you flatter me
- Oh,you have a typical vaginal moniliosis
- Oh, you have a typical vaginal moniliosis
- Oh,you know I never answer that question,Harvey
- Oh,your mouth watered for ice cream
- Oh, your mouth watered for ice cream
- Oh.Your offer sounds interesting
- Oh Yu-pang
- Ohzora
- Ohře
- Oh…strong men are my weakness
- OH血型抗原
- OH-阴离子