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词汇 caesarean
释义 cae·sar·e·an 英sɪˈzeəriːən美sɪˈzɛriənAHDsĭ-zârʹē-ən

the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way
relating to abdominal deliveryof or relating to or in the manner of Julius CaesarCaesarean section医剖腹生产术…Caesarean operation医剖腹产手术…Caesarean birth医剖腹产
近义词 Cesarean凯撒的c-section剖腹产cesarean delivery剖腹产abdominal delivery剖腹产Cesarian罗马皇帝的崇拜者…Cesarean section〈医〉剖腹产术…Caesarean section医剖腹生产术…

Our first baby was born bycaesarean.我们的头胎婴儿是〈剖腹产的〉。
It was a difficult birth: she had to have a Caesarean.她因为难产,要做剖腹产术。as in.Caesarean section
同义词 C-section,Cesarean section,abdominal delivery,caesarian,cesarean,surgical birth,surgical delivery
反义词 natural birthas in.Cesarean section
同义词 abdominal delivery,Caesarean section,caesarian,cesarean,C-section,surgical birth,surgical delivery
Caesarean sectionnoun surgical fetus delivery
C-section,Cesarean section,abdominal delivery,caesarian,cesarean,surgical birth,surgical delivery
Cesarean sectionnoun surgical fetus delivery
C-section,Caesarean section,abdominal delivery,caesarean,caesarian,cesarean,surgical birth,surgical delivery A quick caesarean section later, and she was the baffled mother of a bouncing baby boy.
剖腹产之后,面对一个生龙活虎的婴儿,她百思不得其解。 yeeyan

A doctor could easily write in 1985 that women who resist recommendations for caesarean deliveries secretly wanted to lose their child or were suffering from some mental disorder.
在1985年医生可以轻松地编写抵制剖腹产建议的妇女偷偷想失去自己的孩子或患有某些心理障碍。 ecocn

A caesarean section is an operation to deliver a baby through its mother’s abdominal wall, which reduces the baby’s exposure to its mother’s body fluids.
剖腹产手术是通过母亲的腹壁将婴儿取出的手术,可以减少婴儿与母亲体液的接触。 yeeyan

Both the child- mother and the grandmother took it in their stride, and there had been no need for a caesarean.
这个孩子-妈妈和这个祖母都把它当做了他们的动力。而且没有必要剖腹产。 yeeyan

The birth took place by Caesarean at Cedars- Sinai hospital in Los Angeles.

“ We usually advise mothers carrying a child with an estimated weight of more than4.5 kilos to opt for a caesarean section to avoid complications, ” he said.
他还说:“通常情况下,我们建议母亲所怀小孩的体重如果超出4.5千克就要选择剖腹产以避免发生意外。” ebigear

Antiretroviral drugs are not widely available in many resource- poor countries, caesarean section is often impractical, and many women lack the resources needed to avoid breastfeeding their babies.
在许多资源匮乏的国家,抗逆转录病毒药物的使用并不广泛,剖腹产手术无法实施,而且许多妇女也没有足够的资源,以避免母乳喂养。 yeeyan

Health officials in Wales said that a pregnant woman, aged21, from Monmouthshire, died in intensive care after a planned caesarean section.
威尔士的卫生官员说,蒙默思郡的一个21岁的患病孕妇在进行了计划中的剖腹产手术之后死于重症监护病房。 yeeyan

In a human transplant, any baby would have to be delivered by caesarean section because the transplanted womb is unlikely to withstand natural labour.
如果是子宫移植,任何将出生的婴儿都将必须经剖腹产取出,因为移植的子宫不大可能经得住自然生产。 yeeyan

Later she performs a caesarean in a treetop hut with no drugs or equipment; a procedure that has haunted her since she blinded a newborn in a similar operation in her student days.
之后,她又在没有药品和工具的情况下树顶为一位孕妇实施剖腹产。在学生时代,她就曾有过相似经历,并弄瞎了一个新生儿,那次经历一直萦绕心头。 ecocn

Louise Joy Brown was delivered by Caesarean section at 11:47 p.m. July25.
路易丝·布朗于7月25日下午11时47分通过剖腹产手术生下来。 yeeyan

Modi added that caesarean could also affect the natural balance of hormones and enzymes.
莫迪补充说剖腹产手术也可能会影响激素与酶的自然平衡。 cri

Obstruction can lead to prolonged labour, which increases the risk of caesarean section, heavy bleeding, distress in the infant and stillbirth.
阻塞可能使分娩时间延长,从而增加剖腹产、大出血、婴儿窘迫和死产的危险。 who

Other causes could include Caesarean births, which may affect the immune system, and early use of antibiotics.
此外,专家还发现“剖腹产”可以导致免疫系统受损,还有早期使用抗生素等等。 ebigear

Preterm birth, Caesarean section and intrapartum complications were associated with neonatal death.
早产、剖腹产和产时并发症与新生儿死亡相关。 who

Previous studies have found that cortisol levels in cord blood are lowest in babies born by elective Caesarean, followed by spontaneous vaginal delivery.
先前的研究发现,婴儿脐带血中的皮质醇水平剖腹产最低,其次是顺产。 yeeyan

Regression models showed that Caesarean delivery and delivery at a higher-level facility were associated with higher expenditure in 2007.
回归模型表明,剖宫产和在较高级别医疗机构分娩与2007年较高的分娩费用有关。 who

Such problems were lowest in children delivered by caesarean section and highest in those delivered using instruments like forceps and vacuum, the researchers said.
研究人员说,由剖腹产出生的儿童出现这些问题的比例最小,通过手术钳及真空抽吸而出生的患这些问题的比例则最多。 yeeyan

This can lead to higher than necessary rates of assisted birth and Caesarean sections and also means that women are not appropriately assessed for possible risks during pregnancy.
这会导致比实际更高比例的产前指导、剖腹产,也意味着孕妇会对对怀孕过程中可能出现的危险出现不恰当的评估。 yeeyan

While in South Africa, Barry became the first doctor- surgeon in the British Empire to perform a Caesarean section in which both the mother and child survived.
在南非期间,巴里成为大英帝国第一位进行剖腹产手术的外科医生,手术中的母亲和孩子两个人都活下来。 yeeyan

Women die as a result of infection and of haemorrhage. Some have obstructed labour and cannot get a caesarean section.
孕妇的死亡原因主要是感染和大出血,有一些是因为不能进行剖腹产而死于难产,其它还有死于并发症。 yeeyan

Caesarean delivery on request by mothers is a major contributor to this trend.
因婴儿母亲要求实施剖腹产手术是导致这一比例上升的主要因素。 yeeyan




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