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词汇 Caesar
释义 Cae·sar 英ˈsiːzə美ˈsizɚAHDsēʹzər

conqueror of Gaul and master of Italy 100-44 BCUnited States comedian who pioneered comedy television shows born 1922古罗马执政官Caius Julius Caesars的 称号。词源不详,据说来自拉丁词caesaries, 长头发,因为Caesar生下来头上长满了头发。Julius Caesar古罗马朱利尤斯…caesar salad凯萨色拉Caesar's wife不应当受怀疑的人…appeal unto Caesar诉诸最高权力机关…appeal to Caesar诉诸最高权力机关…
近义词 Julius Caesar古罗马朱利尤斯…
Caesarismn.专制独裁君主专制主义; Caesaristn.信奉君主专制主义的人; Caesareana.恺撒的帝国的剖腹产的n.专制独裁者剖腹产

I cannot but bless the memory of JulyCaesar, for the great esteem he express for fat men and his aversion to lean one.我不得不求上天为纪念朱利叶斯·恺撒而祝福,因为他曾大力推崇胖子而又讨厌瘦个子。
If this policy were not accepted as the policy of the Government, I should feel it my duty to appeal toCaesar.如果这一政策不被采纳为政府的政策,那么我有责任诉诸国民公决。
Not that I lovedCaesarless, but that I loved Rome more.不是我比较不喜欢凯撒,而是我更喜欢罗马。 It was Caesar who put them in prison and Caesar who would get them out.
把他们投入监狱的是凯撒,将他们释放的也应该是凯撒。 ecocn

Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.
保罗,不要害怕,你必定站在凯撒面前。并且与你同船的人,神都赐给你了。 ebigear

The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar.
祭司长回答说,除了凯撒,我们没有王。 ebigear

The fictional Caesar undergoes genetic modification and develops spoken language, among other advancements, that facilitate the revenge of this“ damn dirty ape” against his human tormentors.
虚构的凯撒在经过了基因改良之后,逐渐进化出口头语言和其他能力,在这些能力的帮助下,这个“极其肮脏的猴子”向人类虐待者展开了复仇。 yeeyan

There are Romans here we must drink to Caesar.
罗马客人在这,我们一定要为凯撒干杯。 yeeyan

Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar.
凡以自己为王的,就是背叛凯撒了。 ebigear

As soon as he could, Caesar led his men back to Boulogne. But the process of absorbing England into the Roman Empire had begun.
随后凯撒在控制局势之后,率领他的部下重新回到布洛涅,由此,开始了把英格兰纳入罗马帝国版图的进程。 yeeyan

Augustus Caesar ruled as the Emperor of Rome for41 years.
奥古斯都凯撒统治了罗马41年之久。 oloog

But in leaked wiretaps members of the group cite an authority figure code-named “ Caesar”.
然而,在泄露的窃听录音里,几名组织成员都提到了一位代号“凯撒”的权威人物。 ecocn

But Caesar eventually trumped him.
但是凯撒最终战胜了他。 ecocn

I don't care what Caesar thinks of me.
我不在乎凯撒王怎么看我,我不奉承任何人。 yeeyan

I will drink to Caesar.
我要为凯撒干一杯。 yeeyan

In 55BC, Caesar loaded the seventh and tenth legions into80 ships and sailed from Boulogne across the Channel to Dover.
公元前55年,凯撒率领第七和第十军团,分乘80条船从布洛涅扬帆起航,横渡英吉利海峡进军多佛。 yeeyan

Indeed, He died at the hands of those who deemed Him a threat to the HONOR of Caesar.
事实上,他死在了认为他对凯撒的荣耀构成威胁的人的手里。 yeeyan

Just because you both order the Caesar salad doesn't make you compatible.
仅仅是你俩都点了凯撒沙拉可不代表你们就是天生一对。 dict

Lyricist Irving Caesar happened to hear him play the piano and thought he resembled his former collaborator George Gershwin.
抒情诗人欧文·凯撒偶然听到他弹奏钢琴并觉得他很像自己以前的合作者乔治·格什温。 ebigear

One which is brought from the Island of Samothrace and is purple like the cloak of Caesar.
一种是从萨莫雷斯岛买来的,如同凯撒那绛色的长袍。 yeeyan

Rodman saves newborn Caesar and takes him home.
罗德曼救下了凯撒并把他带回家。 yeeyan

Simmons' first marriage was to fellow British film star Stewart Granger, who she met on the set of Caesar and Cleopatra.
西蒙斯的第一次婚姻是与曾同她在《凯撒和克里奥博特拉》中演出的英国影星斯图尔特格兰杰。 yeeyan

Some other foods that should be avoided until the recall is over include homemade items like Caesar dressing, mayonnaise, ice cream, custard, Hollandaise sauce and egg drop soup.
有些食物-包括自制食品-在本次召回停止前应当避免食用,比如凯撒酱,蛋黄酱,冰淇淋,奶油,荷兰寿司和鸡蛋酱汤等。 putclub

The appearance here of her son by Julius Caesar is propaganda aimed at strengthening his position as her heir.
那里还有她与尤利乌斯•凯撒所生儿子的外貌,目的在于宣传加强他作为她继承人地位。 yeeyan

To be able to borrow short a lot and do so at little cost, they must be above all suspicion like Caesar's wife.
为了能够短期内低成本地大量借贷,他们像凯撒之妻一样必须面对各种怀疑。 yeeyan

We must show all honours to the ambassadors of Caesar.
对凯撒的使臣,我们可要礼数周全。 yeeyan




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