

单词 CAE
释义 CAE
abbr.计=Computer Aided Education计算机辅助教育
An automotive CAE software based on automotive theory, finite element analysis and optimization design has been developed to resolve relevant engineering problems.
基于汽车理论、有限元分析和优化设计方法,为解决工程实际问题,开发了汽车 CAE软件系统。 cnki

But there have been a lot of problems about bus and coach safety to be solved, such as safety regulation, structure, CAE work, manufacture.
在客车安全中尚有许多值得深入研究的领域,如客车安全相关法规、客车车体结构、客车 CAE工作和安全车身的制作等。 cnki

Following delivery of the CH147F training suite in early2014, phase two of the contract will commence with CAE leading the in- service support for the CH147F aircrew training program.
在于2014年初交付 CH147F训练单元以后,合同的第二阶段将从 CAE对 CH147F机组人员训练项目的支撑服务开始。 www.etiri.com.cn

The wiring window opens in a new tab in the CAE window.
在 CAE窗口中,将在一个新的选项卡中打开连接窗口。 ibm

This paper investigates the application of multidisciplinary computer aided engineering CAE software to expedite the structural designs of aircraft.
综合应用计算机辅助工程 CAE软件对航空器进行结构设计和多学科仿真分析。 iciba

But aided engineer CAE can improve the level of the plastic mould and the quality of the products.
而采用计算机辅助工程 CAE,可以提高塑料模具的设计制造水平及制品质量。 iciba

Combined with development of instrument modeling design system, the application of CAE in instrument product modeling was studied.
结合仪表造型设计系统的开发工作,对 CAE在仪表产品造型设计中的应用技术进行了研究。 cnki

Does that mean less time in front of CAD and CAE?
是不是意味着花在 CAD和 CAE的时间会比较少呢? icax

During the global competition becomes more and more drastic, traditional CAE analysis mode can not adapt the individuation and diversification of customers' demands and rapidly changing market.
全球性的竞争越来越激烈,传统的 CAE分析过程已不能适应个性化、多样化的用户需求和快速变化的市场。 cnki

I am convinced that CAE and ConnGame share a common culture of technical excellence.
我相信大华建设公司和联游网络科技公司能够共享卓越技术的共同企业文化。 yeeyan

I am very excited about this opportunity to return to the gaming industry and to quickly develop and grow CAE's new business.
能有机会重返游戏行业,快速发展和增长网络科技的新业务,我感到非常激动。 yeeyan

If you fix the size in the CAE, it remains proportionally the same for all users, independent of screen size.
如果在 CAE中调整大小,那么大小对于所有的用户都一样按比例,与屏幕大小完全无关。 ibm

It is the inevitable trend of development that the plastic mold is designed not only by CAD technology but also by CAE technology.
塑料模具的设计不但采用 CAD技术,而且还要采用 CAE技术,这是发展的必然趋势。 iciba

Note that in CAE, components can be dragged on the main panel at any time to reorder them as desired.
注意,在 CAE中,组件可以被任意拖拽到主面板,从而根据需求重新排列次序。 ibm

This is what is used for display in the CAE.
在 CAE 中将用此进行显示。 ibm

This acquisition is an important step in CAE’s strategy to expand the use of modelling and simulation throughout the defence systems lifecycle.
该并购是 CAE公司在整个国防系统生命周期中拓展模拟和仿真应用战略的重要一步。 www.etiri.com.cn

Using the composite application editor CAE, container components can be added to applications and then be configured entirely using the tooling provided by CAE.
使用复合应用程序编辑器 CAE,容器组件可以被添加到应用程序,随后使用 CAE提供的工具进行全面的配置。 ibm

CAE is launched with the application Climate in edit mode.
CAE将被启动,并且应用程序 Climate处于编辑模式。 ibm

CAE technology plays an important role in the manufactory industry and national economy. It is the strategic technology to raise competitive power of enterprises and ensure national security.
CAE技术在制造业和国民经济中具有举足轻重的作用,是提高企业竞争力和保证国家安全的战略技术。 cnki




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