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词汇 轻描淡写
释义 轻描淡写 qīng miáo dàn xiě 常用成语
mention casually繁体輕描淡冩近义蜻蜓点水;不痛不痒反义淋漓尽致;小题大做变体輕描淡寫辨形“描”,不能写作“苗”。辨形“描”,不能写作“苗”。谜语纸上得来总觉浅
法文peindre,décrire sommairement,en quelques mots,d'une touche légèreesquisser
俄文мимоходомнамечáть контур
德文etwas oberflǎchlich erwǎhnen etwas nur obenhin behandeln写文章该详的地方要详,不可轻描淡写。联合式:作谓语;定语;状语;指一笔带过;含贬义。清 文康《儿女英雄传》第八回:“这个头陀,尤其凶横异常,怎的姑娘你轻描淡写的就断送了他?”解释: 原指绘画时用浅淡的颜色轻轻描绘。后指叙述或处理事情时着力不多,轻轻带过或不加重视。清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》二五回:“我并非要十分难为他,不过看见新衙门判得太轻描淡写了,有意和他作难;谁知他是个脓包,这一点他就担不起了。”
老舍《四世同堂》四一:“祁老人不大明白孙子的心意,也不十分高兴孙子这种轻描淡写的态度。”近义词 粗枝大叶蜻蜓点水不痛不痒浅尝辄止浮光掠影
反义词 淋漓尽致浓墨重彩大书特书刻划入微小题大做刻画入微一语道破语重心长力透纸背鞭辟入里一语破的入木三分
主席轻描淡写地谈及你的任命一事。The chairman brushed over the question off your appointment.“与大多数人相比,我更加关切潜在的风险和弱点,”他轻描淡写地如许说道。
“ I have more concerns about potential risks and vulnerabilities than most people, ” he said, with glum understatement. yeeyan

俄罗斯驻北约大使罗戈津·德米特利·奥列格维奇本周对那件事轻描淡写。 “我们去过阿富汗,并且我们不喜欢那儿。”
As Russia's NATO envoy Dmitri Rogozin put it this week in a stroke of understatement, “ We've been to Afghanistan, and we didn't really like it over there.” yeeyan

And, most important, we dress for ourselves, something the first lady does so effortlessly it’s hard to imagine that there had ever been any dress code for her position. yeeyan

They've done their best in the past to downplay theories that the ancient Mayas predicted some sort of apocalypse would occur in 2012. hjenglish

利比亚的公主 Alia al- Senussi作为迪拜艺术博览会董事会成员,她轻描淡写地指出:“特别是在中东,有一个头衔是非常有益的”。
“ Especially in the Middle East, having a title can be very helpful,” says Libya’s Princess Alia al- Senussi, who sits on the board of Art Dubai, in a bit of an understatement. ecocn

The president was elected to restore the economy, not go adventuring abroad. But his attempts to downplay foreign affairs, however well intended, have not entirely served him well. yeeyan

If there are recruiters out there telling job seekers to underplay their ambitions and qualifications, then certainly I could do better. ebigear

To say that the Iraq War caused some heated debate in Congress would be an understatement, but it wasn't just the original war resolution in 2003 that got representatives all riled up. yeeyan

To say these companies had long-term visions is an understatement. yeeyan

To say I was despondent is an understatement. yeeyan

What he doubtless thought was sober realism now reads like understatement. ecocn

She had, she explains with understatement, “ a slight addiction”. yeeyan

Hughes, in contrast, handled the matter with great skill, casually pointing out that there is a banner permanently in place at Old Trafford that mocks City's lack of silverware. yeeyan

Many years later, recalled the early years of pain, he always had heart understatement: “ Immigration great impact on my life.” yeeyan

To say that the last few years were not kind to the auto industry is a massive understatement. yeeyan

一个通过对资源和时间需求轻描淡写来保护一个项目的 IT指导者可能期望该项目能使他体面并令他晋升。
An IT director who secures a project by underplaying the resource and time requirements might expect the project to make him look good and gain him a promotion. ibm

Some comments on Web sites expressed shame over the fire and the government’s efforts to play it down. yeeyan

It would be an understatement to say that the world, and the people in it, have more problems than we know how to deal with. yeeyan

Some of these complaints are well-founded, others are not; but even if all were true, they would misdescribe and undervalue what is going on here. yeeyan

Coming from a government that usually strives to downplay bad news, this is a clear indication of a truly dire situation. ecocn




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