释义 |
转播 zhuǎn bō 基本例句 relay broadcastingrelaybroadcast on radio or TVhookuprebroadcastrediffusionsportcastrepeatingrebroadcastingtransmissionretransmissionretransmit繁体轉播将通过电台转播这场比赛的实况解说。A running commentary on the match will bebroadcastover the radio. 教堂里太挤了,所以只好用电器设备向人转播礼拜仪式。The church was crowded, so electrical machinery was used torelaythe service out to the people. 请你将诗人逝世的消息转播给公众好吗?Could yourelaythe news of the poet's death out to the public? 哦,糟糕,在中途中断转播啊,人家想看到最后嘛。Oh, no! They end thebroadcastbefore the game is finished. I wish I can see the end. |