释义 |
转弯儿 Zhuănwān-r 基本例句 see zhuǎnwānr转弯;make a detour 给他一个转弯儿的余地allow him some leeway 小心急转弯儿。Look out for the sharp turns. 给他们一个转弯儿的余地give them some leeway 邮局一转弯儿就是。The post office is just roundthe corner. 他是个直性子,说话从来不会转弯儿。He's very forthright and never minces his words. 来一个一百八十度的大转弯儿complete change of heart;reverse one's position;do an about-face 右转弯儿走!; Right wheel! or Rightturnmarch!or Column right march! |