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caci 基本例句 n.凯西 Put together, they provide a powerful method of deriving actionable intelligence in direct support of the global war on terror, CACI said. CACI国际公司负责人称,该中心提供的强大的衍生情报的功能,直接支持全球反恐作战。 www.etiri.com.cn Under the task order, CACI will be responsible for software development, fielding, and training for the Battle Command products, the officials said. 官员说,根据合同, CACI国际公司将负责软件开发,防守,和战斗指挥产品的培训等有关内容。 www.etiri.com.cn Military investigators later concluded that much of the abuse happened in late2003— when CACI and Titan's interrogators were at the prison. 军方调查后得出结论认为,大部分的虐待发生在2003年年底-当 c aci和土卫六的审讯人在狱中。 advance-marketing-system Objective Study the level of serum High-Density lipoprotein level with and cortical arterial cerebral infarctions CACI and that in perforating arterial cerebra infarctions PACI. 目的研究皮层动脉脑梗死 CACI与穿支动脉脑梗死 PACI病人血清高密度脂蛋白水平的变化。 dictall Paul Cofoni, CACI president and chief executive officer, said in a statement. CACI的总裁和首席执行官 Paul Cofoni说。 www.etiri.com.cn Subcontractors include Advanced Automation Corp. and The Wexford Group International, a CACI company. 该订单的子合同商包括先进自动化公司和 Wexford集团公司。 www.etiri.com.cn The contract award marks an expansion of CACI’s business with the Military Sealift Command to include a significant engineering component, the officials said. 该官员称,该合同成为巨大工程的组成部分,其签订标志着 CACI与军事海运司令部的交易呈现扩大趋势。 www.etiri.com.cn The five-year award was made under CACI's Information Technology Enterprise Solutions2 Services contract vehicle with the Army. 该合同为5年期,由军队授予 CACI信息技术企业解决方案2服务合同。 www.etiri.com.cn The upgrade also will boost visibility of resources across the Joint Staff, enabling informed and rapid decision-making, CACI said. CACI表示,此次升级也将推进联合参谋部的预见性,使其能够见多识广和快速做出决策。 www.etiri.com.cn The work also involves assisting OASD/ NII in the design, integration and deployment of command and control capabilities to carry out a broad range of critical missions, CACI said. CACI的工作还包括帮助OASD/ NII对指控能力进行设计、集成和部署,从而执行广泛领域内的关键任务。 www.etiri.com.cn The CACI team will develop and integrate software and provide life- cycle management for the integrated systems. 该公司将开发和集成软件,并为集成系统提供生活周期管理。 www.etiri.com.cn Under the contract, CACI will provide the Military Sealift Command with integrated logistics and engineering system development support services, company officials said today. 公司的官员表示,根据合同, CACI国际公司将为军事海运司令部提供综合物流系统的开发和工程支持等服务。 www.etiri.com.cn CACI works with these organizations under other contracts, the officials said. CACI国际与这些组织还有其他的合约。 www.etiri.com.cn CACI has been active in the simulation and training business for 46 years. CACI公司活跃于仿真与训练领域已有46年的历史。 com CACI also helps the unit continually evolve its signals warfare solutions to meet ever- changing IED threats. CACI公司也帮助部队不断地改进其信号战解决方案以满足永远变化的 IED威胁。 www.etiri.com.cn CACI International Inc. has been awarded a contract for U. S. Army's simulation training programs. CACI国际公司获得一项合同,向美陆军仿真训练计划提供支持。 com CACI will assist in modernizing the IT system while also maintaining the legacy applications until they are fully integrated into the Force Management System. CACI将帮助进行 IT系统的现代化,也将维护传统应用软件,直到他们被综合进军队管理系统。 www.etiri.com.cn CACI will perform the work at various Navy and Marine Corps facilities stateside, overseas, and on board naval vessels. CACI将在不同海军和海军陆战队本土设施,海外和舰艇上执行上述工作。 www.etiri.com.cn CACI will provide engineering, logistics and business operations support for the development, manufacture and sustainment of FLIR systems. CACI将为 FLIR系统的开发、生产和维持提供工程、后勤和商业运作方面的支持。 www.etiri.com.cn CACI will supply a wide array of support, including research and concept development; education projects; training; and international disaster preparedness, mitigation, management and response. CACI国际公司将提供广泛的支持,包括研究和教育项目、培训、国际备灾、减灾、管理和应对的概念开发。 www.etiri.com.cn |