词汇 | 赴汤蹈火 |
释义 | 赴汤蹈火 辨形“蹈”,不能写作“滔”;“倒”。 辨析赴汤蹈火和“出生入死”;都表示“不顾艰险;奋不顾身的精神”。但“出生入死”偏重在冒随时死去的危险;一般用来表示不顾个人生命危险;在程度上重于赴汤蹈火;赴汤蹈火偏重在不畏艰险;一般用来表示决心和愿望。 辨形“蹈”,不能写作“滔”;“倒”。 辨析赴汤蹈火和“出生入死”;都表示“不顾艰险;奋不顾身的精神”。但“出生入死”偏重在冒随时死去的危险;一般用来表示不顾个人生命危险;在程度上重于赴汤蹈火;赴汤蹈火偏重在不畏艰险;一般用来表示决心和愿望。 法文braver tous les périlscourir tous les risques pour 俄文готóв в огóнь и в вóду 德文für jn durchs Feuer gehen 接着又写到自已倾慕尚子平;台孝威后汉隐士,不涉经学,淡泊名利。信中表示他蔑视虚伪的礼教,公然对抗朝廷的法制,以禽鹿作比,鹿很少见有驯育服从的,大的如果羁绊;束缚它,那它必定狂躁不安,即使赴汤蹈火,也不在乎;哪怕是用金的马嚼子来装饰它,拿佳肴来喂它,它还是思念树林;向往草地的。以此表示如果司马氏请他做官,他就会像野性难驯的糜鹿“狂顾顿缨,赴汤蹈火”。表达了坚决不在司马氏政权中任职的决心。由于嵇康时常发表一些讥刺朝政和世俗的言论,司马氏统治集团对他十分忌恨。景元三年262,曾经受到嵇康奚落的司隶校尉钟会,以言论放荡;毁谤朝廷等罪名对嵇康横加诬陷。嵇康被司马昭下令逮捕入狱,不久便被杀害。 【注意】❶注意“蹈”读dǎo,“蹈”右边是“舀”。❷含褒义。 反义词 Dick Moore, Elkhart’s mayor, has been so enthusiastic about federal support that some county officials harrumph that he sleeps in Obama pyjamas. Jim worships Mary; he would go through fire and water for her. Jack was crazy about Mary; he'd go through fire and water to give her anything she wanted. If there is a critical mass of Android users out there waiting to spend money on apps, developers will jump through hoops to tap that market. He went through fire and flood to save his mother. He said he would go through fire and water for me. He would go through fire and water for his country. He faced the enemy valiantly, shuned no difficulties and dangers and would not hesitate to lay down his life if need be. They went through fire and water together in the war, making them the best friends. As you go through fire and water is not impossible. They would through fire and water to serve the people. They would go through fire and water to serve the people. Jack is ready to go through hell to help his friend. I wouldn't hesitate to go through fire and water for the just cause. The different heights that I go to just to make sure she is happy. I don't ruin myself for my friends; I don't deserve your praise. I care greatly for myself. I would go through fire and water for my dear friend. Ours is a world where people do not know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it. This man would go through fire and water to serve his friend. It created a social injury. The positive hero figure has been dethroned. The players have ruined the image of responsible sporting personalities, who set an example. The more predatory and corrupt the government, the more difficult it will be to draw Afghans away from insurgents, and the harder to convince the Western public to send soldiers to die for its sake. Be loyal to the state and place its interest ahead of ours. |
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