释义 |
走味儿 ZǒuWèiR 基本例句 〔动〕not quite right in flavor这火腿走味儿了。 The ham is not quite the right flavor.lose flavor;turn stale;of tea, food, etclose flavour茶叶存放久了就会走味儿了。The tea won't keep long;for it'll lose its flavour. 盖严实点儿,别走了味。Put the lid on tightly to keep the flavour inside. 这些酱菜走味儿了。These pickles taste stale.of speechbecome stale话一从他嘴里说出来就走味儿了。Any words out of his mouth will be stale.繁体走味兒茶叶走味儿了。The tea has lost its flavour. |