释义 |
贫困 pín kùn ★★☆☆☆a.形容词⁰·⁰⁰²³ᴾᵃ⁵²¹⁹ 基本例句 impoverishedpenurynot a feather to fly withon the deckout of moneypovertya light pursenecessitousin straitened circumstancesimporerishedindigentpoorpaupertasbe ill offdistressimpoverishmentneediness繁体貧困命中注定他得死於贫困。Fate had ordained that he should die in poverty. 我们村子有很多贫困家庭。There are many needy families in our village. 这人失业后就生活在贫困之中。The man lived in poverty after his unemployment. 犯罪有时是由贫困引起的。Crime is sometimes engendered by poverty. 这部小说是对城市贫困的震撼心灵的控诉。The novel is a searing indictment of urban poverty. 许多伟人从贫困中崛起,例如林肯。Many great men have risen from poverty---Lincoln, for example. 下岗职工陷入贫困。Laid-off workers fall into penury. |