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词汇 货真价实
释义 货真价实 huò zhēn jià shí 常用成语
genuine goods at fair pricesout-and-out繁体貨真價實近义名副其实;名不虚传反义货次价高;徒有虚名正音“实”,不能读作“sí”。
俄文сáмый настоящий
德文gute Ware zu angemessenen Preisen durch und durch她现在要求再念一遍时的不笑倒是货真价实的热心。 ★茅盾《无题》联合式:作宾语;定语;用于人或事物;中性词。清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五回:“但不知可有‘货真价实,童叟无欺’的字样没有?”解释: 货物的质量是可靠的,价钱是公道的。原为商人招揽生意的用语。清·李渔《十二楼·萃雅楼》一回:“‘货真价实’四个字,原是开店的虚文,他竟当了实事做。”
刘心武《栖凤楼》八三:“潘藩指给他看,哪几样桌椅是真正的明代家具……还有哪些不过是仿古的当代制品——但所用的红木可都是货真价实的。”解释: 也指实实在在,一点不假。鲁迅《且介亭杂文末编附集·我的第一个师父》:“乡下没有活的岳飞或文天祥,所以一个漂亮的和尚在如雨而下的甘蔗梢头中,从戏台逃下,也就是一个货真价实的失败的英雄。”
杨绛《洗澡》二部六章:“她是货真价实的大学毕业生,可是受照顾的都和她‘同等学力’了,这不是对她的不公平吗?”近义词 名副其实名不虚传
反义词 货次价高滥竽充数一纸空文徒有虚名虚有其表
货真价实的伪君子absolute hypocrite
货真价实的骗子an out-and-out swindler货真价实,是商店唯一的道德。
The only moral tenet governing the conduct of business in the shop was that the goods should be genuine and the price fair.《新英汉大辞典》

One reason for the renewed optimism is that, unlike in the first incarnation of Silicon Alley, the city now seems to have a few genuine winners. ecocn

An image from that evening remains etched in my brain: we're sitting and joking in the cozy living room in front of the fire the house had an actual working fireplace. yeeyan

But no, along comes a pair a real aristocrats from Europe, and straightway you throw over the half- breeds. jukuu

The cat is real, but is somehow moving between at least two universes. yeeyan

These are the days when men are real men and psychology experiments are real psychology experiments. yeeyan

Those brave enough to ride it were offered a stiff brandy at the top. ecocn

The trick is to identify which members could give positive health efforts the best bang for the buck and to create the best design for such programs. yeeyan

With competition from similar garments producers, the merchandise must not only be good value but also look attractive. hxen

实际上,做一个货真价实的 LED灯管是相当复杂的,需要有精通物理、化学、光学、设计和制造的专业人才。
But the simple fact is that coming up with a truly worthy LED bulb is enormously complex, requiring expertise in physics, chemistry, optics, design, and manufacturing. yeeyan

我知道它具有货真价实的自动 Wi- Fi探测系统。
I understand that it has a real good automatic Wi- Fi detection system. ebigear

I’ve visited Brazil many times, and on my last trip I convinced myself that I was an honorary Carioca, a true Rio native. yeeyan

The Spanish champions are unquestionably the real deal, while United won their domestic league thanks to a series of gritty performances against lesser clubs. yeeyan

Standing there was the glowing figure of a man with a smile on his face and a large, solid, and definitely real axe in his hands. yeeyan

A doctor examined Srey Neth to confirm to the casino manager that she was not infected by the AIDS virus and that she was a genuine virgin. yeeyan

因此,我们已经拿到一个准备用于零售的 NIA样本,可以自己测试一下它的本领,看看它是真的货真价实,抑或只是又一个骗人的玩意。
So we've obtained a retail- ready NIA sample and have put it through its paces to see for ourselves if it's the real deal or just another gimmick product. yeeyan

Some of these private companies have been spectacularly successful. You may not have heard of them, but they are big. Really big. yeeyan

这个小镇“存在”的意思是,利用软件提供的数据,在网上进行搜索可以检测到它,并自动把它作为属于英国 L39邮区的货真价实的城镇。
Its' presence' means that online businesses that use data from the software have detected it and automatically treated it as a real town in the L39 postcode area. yeeyan

But French benefits, French paid holidays, French pensions provide real, heavy-duty protection. yeeyan

The lesson here, perhaps, is that resembling a honey trap can be as dangerous as actually being one. yeeyan

The prospect of a United States of Europe is about as real as the bronze of Justus Lipsius’s bust. ecocn




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