词汇 | 责无旁贷 |
释义 | 责无旁贷 辨析责无旁贷和“义不容辞”;都含有应该承担;不能推辞的意思;但责无旁贷偏重于职责所需不能推卸;“义不容辞”偏重在道义上难以推托。 辨析责无旁贷和“义不容辞”;都含有应该承担;不能推辞的意思;但责无旁贷偏重于职责所需不能推卸;“义不容辞”偏重在道义上难以推托。 法文il n'y a pas à éluder la responsabilitéobligation qu'on ne peut décliner 俄文прямáя обязанностьнепреложный долг 德文sich einer Verpflichtung nicht entledigen kǒnnen 【注意】“责无旁贷”的“贷”用“贷”。 反义词 “ I really don't think he meant it, ” said David Beckham, who was bound to interject at some point. Bush immediately assured South Korea and Japan that the United States was unequivocally committed to protecting them. Helping the students establish good self respect is a duty- bound for each educator. Duty sponsors, and only this, investors can be recognized. The First Decision for Success: The buck stops here. But the financial crisis and America’s apparent responsibility for it will ensure the growth of state capitalism over the next several years. These four topics, the two governments will be duty-bound to promote related work. It was clear that he wanted to complete the peace process and believed that his big election victory gave him a mandate to do so. Old Roger Chillingworth followed, as one intimately connected with the drama of guilt and sorrow in which they had all been actors, and well entitled, therefore, to be present at its closing scene. Fulfilling it will be tough. Global dollars are essential to this success, but the buck stops with us. The People's Party group, as the largest political group in the European Parliament, is duty- bound in every means. How to choose the ideal target country for exploration and exploitation mineral resources is historical mission of an inescapable duty for the circle of theory. Sarkozy had likened his“ historic” task of convincing the public to support the carbon tax to other key moments in France, such as decolonisation and the abolition of the death penalty. It’s incumbent upon all of us working in public health to improve surveillance systems and vital registration systems so that we do have these data. We must preserve our heritage and legacy. It is a responsibility we must all bear. There's no reason there can't be change driven by industry standards that puts customers back in control. This is not easy. But this is a public health emergency, and this is our job. That’s where the Dependency Injection container comes in. It is a smart object factory. Supporting the reform and strengthening the UN peace-keeping operations are duties of every member state. As engineers of the soul of mankind, teachers are duty-bound to educate students to become people with noble virtues and high aspirations. Public universities, which award75% of all the state’s bachelor degrees, will be largely responsible. As my teacher in primary school in the 1970s told me: “ If your parents don't bring you up properly, our school has to do the job for them.” |
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