

单词 cabals
释义 ca·bal·s 英kə'bæl美kə'bæl COCA¹³⁸²⁵⁴BNC⁷³⁵⁵⁵
a clique often secret that seeks power usually through intriguea plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act especially a political plot
engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together;

They conspired to overthrow the government

近义词 group群unit单元sect宗派ring戒指plot情节union结合circle圆圈clique派系league种类scheme阴谋machine机器faction内讧section部分complot共谋cell单人牢房artifice诡计conspire阴谋collusion共谋machinate图谋junto秘密结社conjure变戏法conspiracy阴谋connection联系caucus干部会议connivance默许camarilla西班牙语参谋团…

用作名词Next is the role of Cabal Online.接下来是黑色阴谋的角色。
They are stories of conspiracy, of America being hijacked by an evilcabal.像一个阴谋故事,故事里说美国人被邪恶的政治集团揩了油。
And Fabricio counter-attacked, accusing his brother of harboring a “pinkish”cabalof sycophantic aides.同时,法布里西奥发起反击,指责其弟纵容谄媚之人、包庇〈阴谋集团〉。
Acabalof Appalachian district directors will undertake a palace revolution.阿巴拉契山脉地区的一小撮头面人物正企图谋反。 As soon as we have just walked out of the last year's snow disaster, another series of farces. calamity and cabals come out…
然而,当果人刚刚从上年末大范围雪灾的阴影中走出来的时候,一连串的闹剧、阴谋与灾难就迫不及待地开始上演… bbs.ccit.edu.cn

It has struck me as odd that some think that there are cliques and cabals at the court.
一些人认为,法庭上有派系和阴谋团,这种奇怪的想法打击了我。 mykh

One thing that should be unleashed immediately is antitrust: on a local level many hospitals and doctors work as price-fixing cabals.
反垄断必须马上进行。 一些地方医院和医生就像定价集团一样。 ecocn

And though their motives vary, the cabals' tactics are similar.
虽然他们的目的不同,不过他们的战术相似。 yunjian

For decades, maybe since the first moment that the Motel Room was ripped from this reality, cabals have formed to collect all the Objects.
数十年来,可能由这旅馆房间从真实里裂开的第一刻开始,已有阴谋要夺取这些异能物件。 bbs.1000fr.com

Government on your world is simply a set of agreements between the dark, its appointed cabals and governments.
你们世界上的政府简单的与黑暗势力达成一些协议,它任命了阴谋集团和政府。 blog.sina.com.cn

He also thinks it wrong to shunt off difficult decisions to undemocratic cabals.
他也认为将棘手的决策转移给非民主委员会密谋是错误的。 ecocn




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