

单词 c2
释义 c2Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
In order to be adapted to the demand of information warfareIW, the command efficiency of shipborne C2 system must be improved.
为适应未来信息化海战场的需要,必须提高舰艇指控系统的指挥效能。 dictall

PADI of less than13mm is associated with neurologic decline. C1- C2 translation of more than5mm on flexion-extension radiographs also has a poor prognosis.
后方环枢间距的距离小于13mm常常伴有神经学症状,俯曲位 C1- C2平移超过5mm也意味着预后不良。 dxyer

Summary of Background Data. During C1 lateral mass screw insertion and in posterior C1- C2 fixation, iatrogenic injury of C1- C2 venous sinus results in bleeding, which is troublesome.
在后路寰枢椎内固定术时 C1侧块钉置入不当引起的 C1- C2静脉窦医源性损伤所致的术中出血处理起来较棘手。 oaopdoc

The activation method of plasma- catalyst shows the highest C2 hydrocarbons yield and energy efficiency than that catalytic method or plasma method.
烃反应的影响,相比之下等离子体-催化共活化具有更高的C。产物收率和能量利用率。 cnki

The basic elements of C2 organization are presented, which includes decision-making individual, platform entity and model of tasks.
定义 C2组织的基本元素组织决策个体、平台实体和任务,并建立了 C2组织的描述。 cnki

The CO2 increases with the increasing of carbon content in the explosive, and C2 raises too.
同样随着炸药中碳含量的增加 CO2量增加,固体 C2也明显增多。 opticsjournal

The Director awards an artificial adjusted score if no rectification can be made that will permit normal play of the board see C2 below.
当一副牌局任何判罚后都不能正常继续进行时参见本条 C2,裁判将判人为调整分。 iciba

The function features and system constitution of BXF9- C2 intelligent evacuation indictor sign system were set forth.
阐述了BXF9- C2型智能疏散指示标志系统的功能特点以及系统组成。 chemyq

Based on the nature of relative response function. satisfactory weighting parameters C1, C2, are obtained.
基于相对响应函数的性质,得到了权重参数 C1、 C2的合适选择。 cnki

But if they have the same density, C2 the liquids, then the C2 is very much the same.
但是如果液体密度,相同,那么2,的值会差不多。 open.163.com

Conclusion. Bleeding of C1- C2 venous sinus is vigorous and frustrating.
结论:术中 C1- C2静脉窦破裂出血来势凶猛且处理困难。 oaopdoc

Conclusion. We show a lower than previously reported incidence of complications associated with posterior C2 screw placement.
结论:研究发现与后路 C2螺钉置入相关并发症发生率与以往报道相比较低。 blog.sina.com.cn

Curvature continuity C2 or G2 is a bit trickier to describe.
曲率Curvature的连续性 C2 or G2形容起来有点棘手。 yeeyan

Full range of motion over C1- C2 and peak screw pull-out force was quantified.
定量测定 C1- C2最大活动范围和最大螺钉抗拔力。 oaopdoc

In addition, C2 is analyzed on the economic.
此外,本文对 C2进行了经济分析。 boshuo

It was found that by using this process both C2 selectivities and CH4 conversions were improved simultaneously for OCM reaction, thus solving the problem of lower C2 yield.
研究发现,利用循环-吸附分离反应工艺,可同时提高 OCM反应的 CH4转化率和 C2选择性,解决 C2收率低的问题。 cnki

Last, I execute C1 again along with C2.
最后,我再次执行 C1和 C2。 ibm

Methods A suspension containing cultured OEC was transplanted into the electrical lesion site of the right C1- C2 segment.
方法将体外培养的 OEC制成细胞悬浮液移植至大鼠 C1- C2节段右侧皮质脊髓束电损毁的部位。 cnki

Objective To study the roles of forkhead box C2Fox C2 in cardiovascular development.
目的:探讨叉头框 C2基因在心血管发生和发育中的作用。 xuebao.jlu.edu.cn

Oh, we bought each other those C2's as anniversary presents last year…
哦,我们互相买了对方的 C2作为去年的结婚周年礼物… arms-cool

The company also released affordable models called the C2-02, C2-03 and C2-06 using Symbian Series40.
该公司同步推出了塞班40系列的几款廉价手机,分别是 C2-02、 C2-03和 C2-06。 yeeyan




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