词汇 | 谨言慎行 |
释义 | 谨言慎行 辨形“谨”,不能写作“瑾”;“慎”,不能写作“缜”。 辨形“谨”,不能写作“瑾”;“慎”,不能写作“缜”。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 Such discretion allowed him to retain his standing as the Empire rose to power. I just need time to tell what is right and what is wrong. But he may now have to tread more carefully. In any event, political jockeying is under way ahead of next year's elections. Comparing prisons is tricky, and that leaves plenty of ammunition for critics of private jails. Analysts believe it is too worried about winning upper- house elections next summer to do anything but pussyfoot on economic policy. NOTHING in the way he has led his country for the past eight years suggested thatÁlvaro Uribe, Colombia’s outgoing president, was going to fade discreetly into the background. This year the budget allows for a 15% increase, which puts the finance ministry’s talk of prudence in perspective. But the young maiden, being discreet and of good repute, would ever avoid him, for she feared his evil name. A later book, El Discreto, first published in 1647, gives the counterpoise to El Heroe by drawing an ideal of the prudent courtier as contrasted with the proud and spotless hidalgo. Lu is also a reminder that when moving into unfamiliar territory it is wise to tactful and courteous. Grant us to live chastely in word and act, that we may live a life of heroic virtue and not fall away from Thy promised blessings. And so if you do a lot of public speaking, you simply need to speak with that in mind. It has less to do with sensitive considerations like privacy. The reserved but articulate teacher failed to realise that the liberation movement picked him to provide a respectable image. China also urged the US to “speak and act cautiously” to avoid further damage to bilateral ties. “Doing the prudent thing about deficits now would be an extremely foolish thing,” observes Paul Krugman, a Nobel- winning economist. |
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