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词汇 byzantium
释义 byzantium
And in the age old way, Byzantium expressed this change of mood with the signs and symbols of its faith.
拜占庭人遵循古法,以其信仰的符号与象征表达这种情绪变化。 shnosbbs

By opening the debate, Pulcharia had not only advanced the role of the Virgin Mary and women in Byzantium but defined the role of women in Christendom forever.
普尔喀丽娅的反驳不仅提升圣母及拜占庭妇女的地位,同时永久确立了妇女在基督教世界的地位。 shnosbbs

In August2006, for example, more than 1,000 academic specialists on Byzantiumwith contingents from such unlikely places as Tajikistan and Japan converged on London for a week-long conference.
比如,2006年8月,1000多名拜占庭领域的学术专家甚至包括来自塔吉克斯坦和日本这样看似不可能的地方会聚伦敦,进行了为期一周的会议。 ecocn

In the third chapter, according to the part context of the epic, the author relates the condition of the imperial religions belief, and expounds that it affected on the political l life of Byzantium.
第三章,笔者结合史诗有关内容,叙述了拜占庭的宗教信仰情况,阐述了它对帝国政治生活的影响,并谈及异端活动的情况。 cnki

The artistry lay in their interpretation. Along with Christianity the Russian masters adopted Byzantium style and centuries old technique of painting.

The artistry lay in their interpretation. Along with Christianity the Russian masters adopted Byzantium style and centuries old technique of painting.
艺术性在于它们的解释的主人。随着基督教的俄罗斯通过了拜占庭风格和旧世纪的绘画技巧。 yfyf1

According to The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium in the Byzantine civilization people figured that there were12 hours in the day and 12 in the night.
根据《牛津拜占庭词典》的说法,在拜占庭文化中,人们认为白天有12个hour,夜晚有12个hour。 yeeyan

All of the cities of Byzantium held holy images within them. Sacred pictures, It was said that came from heaven.
拜占庭的每个城市都有神圣肖像,据说它们是来自天堂的神像。 shnosbbs

Even Byzantium's modern defenders have tended to set out their case in qualified terms, stressing the empire's relationship to other historical developments.
即便是拜占庭的现代拥护者也往往用修饰性的术语装扮那一段公案,强调帝国与其他历史发展阶段的关系。 ecocn

It had been used in the West since ancient times, reaching an aesthetic and technical peak in12th- century Byzantium.
自古以来,它就在西方使用,在十二世纪的拜占廷时期达到美学和科技的高峰。 yeeyan

It's1174 and the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Principality of the Antioch are united in their struggle for the Holy Land against Egypt, the Turks and Byzantium.
这是1174年,耶路撒冷王国和安提俄克公国为了圣地联合起来,努力对抗埃及,土耳其和拜占庭。 clanlong

Mosaic tile floors in the elevator bank, domed ceiling lobby, and hanging bronze lamps in the rooms evoke a sleek, modernist interpretation of Byzantium.
电梯中的马赛克地板、圆顶天花板大厅以及客房中悬挂的铜灯造型优美,用现代手法完美诠释了拜占庭风格。 fortunechina

Not all modern observers of Byzantium have been so willing to associate the city on the Bosphorus with universalism or cultural breadth.
并非所有的现代拜占庭观察家们都乐于将这座横跨博斯普鲁斯海峡的城市和普世主义或文化宽容联系起来。 ecocn

Sassanid Persia controlled the trade of silk destined for Europe and Byzantium.
萨珊王朝的波斯控制着指定运往欧洲和拜占庭的丝绸贸易。 yeeyan

She presents Byzantium as a vibrant, dynamic, cosmopolitan reality which somehow escaped the constraints of its official ideology.
她提出,拜占庭是一个生机勃勃,充满活力的世界主义本体,不知何故,摆脱了其官方意识形态的束缚。 ecocn

Snobbish Western classicists who called Byzantium a poor substitute for ancient Greece may have missed the point.
势利的西方古典主义者将拜占庭称为古希腊的拙劣替代品,可能有失偏颇。 ecocn

So, west of Byzantium, were its artists, law-givers and writers, struggling in a Latin that few of their countrymen could read, let alone understand.
因此当拜占庭西部的艺术家,立法者和作家极力使用拉丁语时,他们的国人却很少能阅读拉丁,更别提理解了。 putclub

The“ silk route” linking Byzantium with China ran through it.
连通中国和拜占庭的“丝绸之路”正经过这里。 ecocn

They also established bases in the eastern Mediterranean, exploiting Byzantium's decline, gaining access to merchandise from farther east.
他们还利用拜占庭帝国衰落的时机,在东地中海地区建立基地,参与远东商品贸易。 ecocn

This paper introduces the fundamental theory of the Intrusion Tolerance Technology— Byzantium Protocol, which to be based on an application model is proposed for Intrusion Tolerance System.
本文首先介绍了入侵容忍技术的基本理论基础---拜占庭协议,在此基础之上,提出了一个入侵容忍系统的应用模型。 cnki

To the holy city of Byzantium.

Yeats's “ Sailing to Byzantium” can enliven a journey on any waters, and it will never be forgotten if you recite it on the Bosporus.
如果正在出海,耶茨的“航向拜占庭”使行程更加富有生气,而且如果你在博斯普鲁斯海峡背诵这首诗会更加难忘。 yeeyan

Byzantium Guard Archers are well trained missile troops equipped with composite bow, sword, mail and a shield.




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